Gregory Jost

Adjunct Instructor of Sociology at Fordham University


  • Fordham University



Fordham University

Gregory Jost is a researcher, facilitator and organizer with expertise in the history of redlining and the Bronx and 20 years of experience in community based research, development, organizing and advocacy. At University Neighborhood Housing Program, Gregory created the Building Indicator Project database to evaluate levels of physical and financial distress in 62,000 New York City apartment buildings and transform the ways banks, their regulators and City agencies interact with properties and their owners.

Currently he is a Partner at Designing the WE, a social impact design studio collaborating to 'undesign' structural racism and systemic inequality in cities such as Trenton, Baltimore, Atlanta and New York. He is the Board President for New Economy Project, co-founded a Community Supported Agriculture cooperative in his neighborhood, and served as a founding board member of a teacher-led progressive elementary school where his two children now attend. He is currently writing a book on how redlining defined the Bronx and America.


  • BA, Fordham University
  • MA, Fordham University

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