Guillaume Schier

Professor of Finance and Family Business at Management School ESSCA


  • Management School ESSCA



Management School ESSCA

Professor of Finance and Family Business at the ESSCA School of Management, he holds a PhD in Management Sciences (1998, University of Rennes 1) and a Higher Doctorate (HDR) (2009, University of Rennes 1).

He has been a strategy consultant for more than 10 years in Paris for family businesses and regional and national institutions. Since 2017, he’s been holding the position of Associate Dean of Research at ESSCA.

Author of numerous books, he published a reference book on Mergers and Acquisitions with Dunod Publishing, as well as a book on disposals and transfers.

Translator-Adapter among an international team, of the world’s best seller, Corporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe, he is also the author of numerous scientific articles published in French and international journals (Journal of Business Ethics, Revue Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, Family Business Review, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Organizational Dynamics, Management International, Revue Française de Gestion, etc.).

He was awarded the prize for the best article in 1999 in the journal Banque & Marchés (Bankers, Markets, Investors). In 2017, the Family Firm Institute awarded him in Chicago the prize for the best article for his contribution to the 2016 Family Business Review entitled “The Early Succession Stage of a Family Firm Exploring the Role of Agency Rationales and Stewardship Attitudes”

He mainly teaches finance, business valuation and financial engineering and in particular mergers, acquisitions, disposals and transfers.

He is a member of the study committee of the Family Business Network (FBN), editorial adviser at DUNOD Publishing, and a member of the AFFI.

His current research focuses on the succession process of family businesses and corporate social responsibility. In this capacity, he is the coordinator for ESSCA of the ESSCA/VIGEO-EIRIS research partnership.

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