Guillermo de Haro Rodríguez

Adjunct Professor at Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes / Adjunct Faculty & Tutor at Venture Lab at IE Business School


  • IE Business School



IE Business School

Since the very begining of his profesional career Guillermo de Haro has taught as well as performed in the corporate world. While growing in those two apparently opposite worlds he developed a multidisciplinary career, mainly in the areas of information systems, strategy and entrepreneurship, but also with experiences in operations, human resources or sales. All this knowledge has been acquired having in mind that “Business are people, everything begin and ends in the people”.

Dr. De Haro loves teaching and enjoys mixing it with all he learnt in the entertainment business, and industries where he developed part of his professional career. He writes books, articles in general and specialized press, always combining the academic rigor with examples and methodologies that everybody can understand. “Before publishing my first book, ‘Management Lessons with The Godfather’, I gave a copy to my mother… after that I had to rewrite it almost entirely, but I worked hard until she told me that she have read the last version completely and enjoyed it. Only then I gave the draft to my editor”.

His experience as an executive in the corporate world has covered different industries like technology (Acangroup), consulting in innovation and business venturing (Socintec), retail chains (Workcenter SGD) or entertainment industries (Technicolor). Consequently now he holds and holistic vision of business, complementary with his work as Professor in Economy at Rey Juan Carlos University.

“Best way to learn is using examples and thinking about how we can feel personally, so we can enjoy and be implicated during the learning process. The same idea as an elite sportsman who enjoys a lot with his job… he must train hard but the return is of great satisfaction” he comments. “Tecnology and innovation are key factors to increase efficiency in this process. If I have developed a career so ‘Da Vincian’ learning from different areas is because technology and information systems have a great impact in all the areas of life and business”.

Profesor De Haro not only research and teach, he works regularly as a consultant for several companies, helping them with a combination of academic rigor, professional experience and simplicity in solutions and the exposition of results. He publishes regularly in magazines, internet or books, like the chapter about the creation of the BuonGiorno!MyAlert group, European leader in mobile services, written in 2004 for an Idea Group book called “Unwired World, Cases on Mobile Business”. “For me is of vital importance to keep a foot in the day to day of the corporate world, because this give me the possibility to help them with the perspective of an independent outsider; but also not to lose the link with the real world we want to analyze with our current knowledge and the one we are developing through our research”.

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