Hee-Seok Lee

Professor at KAIST College of Business


  • KAIST College of Business



KAIST College of Business


Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1991


  • KAIST graduate school of management, professor 1994-currently
  • KAIST executive manager program department of chair 2000-currently
  • University of Nebraska, management department, Assistant Professor 1992-1993
  • The University of Minnesota, information system, Assistant Professor 1991-1992
  • dae-woo engineering, senior engineer 1983-1986


  • Best Research Paper Award, Antecedents of use continuance for information systems, International MIS Conference, 2005
  • Outstanding Service Award, KAIST, 2005
  • Best Case Study Paper Award, A benchmarking-based requirement analysis methodology for improving websites, International MIS Conference, 2005
  • Best Research Award, KAIST, 2003
  • Best paper award, A workflow for future intelligent system development, The korea society of management information systems, 1998
  • Best paper award, An experimental comparison among conceptual data modeling technique, The korea society of management information systems, 1996

Publications & Research


  • Business analytics use in CRM: A nomological net from IT competence to CRM performance, International Journal of Information Management (in press)
  • Setting a knowledge boundary across teams: Knowledge protection regulation for inter-team coordination and team performance, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol 21 No 2, pp 254-274, 2017
  • Building relationships within corporate SNS accounts through social presence formation, International Journal of Information Management, Vol 36, pp 945-962, 2015
  • The change in user and IT dynamics: blogs as IT-eabled virtual self presentation, Computer in Human Behavior, 2011
  • The Impact of IT and transactive memory systems on knowledge sharing, Application and team performance: A field study, MIS Quarterly, Vol 34, No 4, 855-870, 2010
  • Knowledge management enablers, processes, and organizational performance: An integrative view and empirical examination, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol 20, No 1, 179-228, 2003

Research Areas

  • Strategy
  • IT
  • Innovation

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