Heribert Munté




Lawyer, Bachelor's Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona

State Inspector of Finance on leave. Among other positions in the Spanish Ministry of Finance, within the Spanish Tax Agency, he was a Special Delegate of the Tax Agency in Catalonia and Managing Director of the Financial and Tax Inspection department of the Spanish Tax Agency.

He specialises in Tax Law, in particular in Corporate Law, Business restructuring, Tax Controversy, Family Business and Private Clients.

He has wide experience in business negotiations.

He was a founding member and managing partner of the law firm Padrol Munté, where he focused on the tax and corporate practice at the firm’s offices in Barcelona y Madrid. The law office Padrol Munté was later acquired by Gómez-Acebo y Pombo, where he became managing partner of the firm’s tax area and a member of its Management Committee.

Currently, he is a founding member and managing partner of the law firm OPTIO Next Law.

He has also been president and main partner of Iplusf (Innovation and Financing Consultants).

He has been a member of the Boards of Directors of several companies (Gas Natural Fenosa (currently Naturgy), Equipos Nucleares, S.A., among others).

He has been a lecturer in Tax Matters at the UPF School of Management and ESADE Business & Law School.

He has been a member of the CAREC (Consell Assessor del Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya per a la Reactivació Econòmica i el Creixement).

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