Hua Song

Professor in the Department of General Management at Renmin Business School


  • Renmin Business School




Renmin Business School


  • 1997-1999 Post doctor, School of Economics, Kyoto University, Japan
  • 1992-1995 Ph.D., Trade Economics, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics
  • 1989-1992 Master, Trade Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Working Experiences

  • 1995- Present Renmin Business School, Renmin University of China

Research Interests

Supply Chain Logistics Management, Supply Chain Finance, Service Supply Chain, Supply Chain Relationship, Supply Chain Security, Risk Management, Supply Chain Flexibility


Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Financial Innovation, Enterprise Strategic Management, Business Research Methods, Industrial Chain Strategy and Business Model


Selected Academic Articles, Monographs, Competitive Research Grants, Presentations at Academic Meetings

Selected Academic Articles


  1. Song, H., Han, S., Liu, W., Ganguly, A.. What role do FinTech companies play in supply chain finance? A signaling intermediary perspective. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING, 2022.
  2. Song, H., Chen, S., Yu, K.. Ecosystem network health and SMEs’credit quality. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING, 2022, 37(5): 961-974.
  3. Song, H., Yang Xiaoye, Song Yuanfang. Dynamic discounting program of supply chain finance based on a financial information matching platform. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 2022.
  4. Song, H., Li, M., Yu, K.. Big data analytics in digital platforms: how do financial service providers customise supply chain finance?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 2021, 41(4): 410-435.
  5. Song, H., Yang, X., Yu, K.. How do supply chain network and SMEs’ operational capabilities enhance working capital financing? An integrative signaling view. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 2020, 220.
  7. Song, H., Lu, Q., Yu, K., Qian, C.. How do knowledge spillover and access in supply chain network enhance SMEs’ credit quality?. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS, 2019, 119(2): 274-291.
  8. Song, H., Yu, K., Lu, Q.. Financial service providers and banks’ role in helping SMEs to access finance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION & LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT, 2018, 48(1): 69-92.


  1. Song Hua, Yang Xiaoye, Luo Jianyu. Research on Optimal Decision-Making of Supply Chain Decoupling Points Based on Digital Platform Reservation Demand System, Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2023 (03): 1-17
  2. Song Hua, Tao Zheng, Yang Yudong. How Does Supply Chain Enable the Transition of Digital Business Ecosystem——A Case Study about Xiaomi Supply Chain Finance, China Industrial Economics 2022, (09): 178-196
  3. Song Hua, Han Siqi, Liu Wenyi. How Does Digital Technology Construct the Trust Relationship of Supply Chain Finance Network? Journal of Management World 2022,38 (03): 182-200
  4. Song Hua, Yang Yudong. An Analysis on the Connotation and Development of the Modernization of Chinese Industrial and Supply Chains, Journal of Renmin University of China, 2022,36 (01): 120-134
  5. Song Hua, Yang Xiaoye. Research on Dynamic Discount Decision of Supply Chain Finance Based on Working Capital Information Matching Platform, Operations Research and Management Science 2021,30 (12): 92-99
  6. Luo Jianyu, Song Hua, Yang Xiaoye, Song Yuanyuan. Research on Information Sharing of Green Services Provided by Manufacturers in Competitive Green Supply Chains, Chinese Journal of Management Science: 1-12
  7. Song Hua, Yang Yudong, Tao Zheng. The Application of Blockchain in Enterprise Financing: A Literature Review and Knowledge Framework, Nankai Business Review 2022,25 (02): 34-48
  8. Song Hua, Chen Sijie. How to Build a Healthy Innovation Ecosystem in Hi-tech Industry?A Perspective Based on Core Competency, Management Review 2021,33 (06): 76-84
  9. Song Hua, Huang Qianyuan, Yang Yudong. The Influence of Finance Oriented and Supply Chain Oriented Supply Chain Finance on Enterprise Performance, Chinese Journal of Management 2021,18 (05): 760-768
  10. Song Hua, Li Mengyin. How Can Supply Chain Finance Service Providers Help SMEs to Obtain Supply Chain Financing? -Evidence from the Mobile and Communication Industry, R&D Management 2020,32 (05): 16-28
  11. Song Hua, Chen Sijie. Research on the Relationship among Supply Chain Integration, Innovation Capabilities, and Financing Performance of Technology-Based SMEs, Chinese Journal of Management 2019, 16 (03): 379-388
  12. Song Hua, Yang Xuan. Risk Source and Systematic Management of Supply Chain Finance: An Integrative Framework, Journal of Renmin University of China, 2018,32 (04): 119-128
  13. Song Hua, Yang Xuan. How Does Supply Chain Finance Help SMEs Financing—Perspective of Supply Chain Network Embeddedness, R&D Management 2018,30 (03): 22-33
  14. Song Hua, Chen Sijie, Yu Kangkang. Leveraging the Power of Business Ecosystem to Enhancing SMEs Capital Flexibility: The Moderating Role of Ecosystem Normative Mechanism, Nankai Business Review 2018,21 (03): 11-22+34
  15. Yu Kangkang, Song Hua. The paths of network structure to buyer-seller relationship: Direct or Indirect? Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2018,32 (02): 27-33
  16. Song Hua, Yang Xuan. Research of the Effects of SMEs' Competence and Network Embeddedness on Supply Chain Finance Performance, Chinese Journal of Management 2018,15 (04): 616-624

Selected Monographs

  • Hua Song, Digital Supply Chain, China Renmin University Press, 2022;
  • Hua Song, Smart Supply Chain Finance, China Renmin University Press, 2019;
  • Hua Song, Internet Supply Chain Finance, China Renmin University Press, 2017;
  • Hua Song, Supply Chain Finance, China Renmin University Press, 2015

Selected Research Grants

  • 2022-2027 Chief expert, Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China: Research on the Mechanism and Countermeasures of Digital Economy Promoting the Modernization of Industrial Chain and Supply Chain
  • 2021-2023 Chief expert, Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China: Research on the Development Model and Policy of China's Industrial Supply Chain Modernization
  • 2018-2022 Leader, Natural Project of the National Natural Science foundation of China: Research on the Impact of Internet-based Industrial Ecology on Supply Chain Finance Mode and Efficiency
  • 2013-2016 Leader, Surface Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Service Outsourcing Decision and Risk Management under the Conditions of Industry Supply Chain Service” (Project number: 71272155)
  • 2008-2010 Leader, General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on Enterprise Relationship under the Internationalization of Supply Chain Management” (Project number: 08BJY078)
  • 2008-2010 Leader, Surface Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the Structure and Performance of Related Benefit Orientation and System Embedded Logistics Network” (Project number: 70772088)
  • 2003-2005 Leader, Youth Science Foundation Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Intensive Logistics and Enterprise Logistics Cost Control” (Project number: 70202001)

Presentations at Academic Meetings

  1. 2021 Production and Operations Management Society – Parallel Session Presentation
  2. 2020 Production and Operations Management Society – Parallel Session Presentation
  3. 2020 Production and Operations Management Society – Parallel Session Presentation
  4. 2017 47th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute – Main Presentation


  • 2022 Yili Industrial Chain Finance: Enabling the win-win development of upstream and downstream dairy industry, 100 Excellent Management Cases in China (Mini Cases)
  • 2021 Tianxing Digital Industrial Finance: Helping to transform China's manufacturing industry, 100 Excellent Management Cases in China
  • Easy to see in 2020: Using blockchain technology to ensure reliable and traceable scenario data, 100 Excellent Management Cases in China (Key Cases)
  • 2020 GLP China: "Scenarios+Technology+Finance" Empowering Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, 100 Excellent Management Cases in China (Key Cases)
  • 2020 Vector Chain: Creating an Industrial Internet Blockchain Financial Technology Ecology, 100 Excellent Management Cases in China (Key Cases)
  • 2020 Chain Square: Innovative order lending based on blockchain, 100 Excellent Management Cases in China (Key Cases)
  • “What Is the Way Out? Innovations of Haier Group in Supply Chain Finance” “Innovation and Challenges of CSCC Finance” were included in Sage Knowledge


  • 2020 Enterprise Strategic Management, China Renmin University Press
  • 2017 Logistics and Supply Chain Management, China Renmin University Press
  • 2008 Contemporary Logistics Management, China Renmin University Press
  • 2004 E-Commerce Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management, China Renmin University Press

Corporate Projects, Policy Reports, Business Reports

  • 2023 Classification and Evaluation Indicators for Supply Chain Financial Services Enterprises
    "China Supply Chain Finance Research Report" for 9 consecutive years
  • 2022 Research on the issue of cross-border supply chain financial cooperation in East Asia by the Ministry of Finance
  • 2021 Application of the blockchain in state-owned asset management by the Ministry of Finance
  • 2017 The supply chain finance section of the Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting the Innovative Application and Development of Supply Chain issued by the office of Central Financial and Economic Commission

Honors and Awards

  • 2022 Excellent Teachers of the Operation and Management Leading Talent Training for Small and Medium Enterprise, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
  • 2021 The second prize, Teaching Achievement Award of Beijing Higher Education
  • 2021 First Prize, the 16th Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Excellent Achievement Award
  • 2020 Outstanding Contributing Scholar in the Field of Combination of Industry, University, and Research in China's Supply Chain Finance
  • 2020 Distinguished Professor of "Outstanding Scholar" at Renmin University of China
  • 2019 Second Prize, the 15th Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Excellent Achievement Award
  • 2018 Leader of Global Supply Chain Finance
  • 2018 News Figure of China’s Economy
  • 2018 Representative Experts in the Logistics Industry in the Forty Years of Reform and Opening-up
  • 2017 First Prize, the 14th Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Excellent Achievement Award
  • 2007 New Century Excellent Talent-the Ministry of Education
  • 2016 The first batch of Outstanding Professors in Teaching of RMBS
  • 2009 Excellent Teacher of Baosteel
  • 2006 Advanced Worker of Renmin University of China
  • 2003 "Top Ten Teaching Pacesetters" of Renmin University of China

Other Appointments

  • 2022 Tianchi Distinguished Professor, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
  • 2022 Vice President, International Supply Chain and Production Operation Association(ISOA)
  • 2022 Professor of Industry and Education Integration Industry Practice, SME Development Promotion Center, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
  • 2022 Deputy Director of the Purchasing and Supply Chain Expert Committee, China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing
  • 2021 Expert of the Agricultural Industry Supply Chain Branch, China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing
  • 2021 Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of the Blockchain Application Branch, China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing


Media Coverage, Speech at Business Forum

His remarks relevant with the supply chain development and supply chain finance are often widely recited by the various media such as the Modern Logistics Newspaper, First Logistics Mass Media, Mobile Baidu,, China Times,, NetEase News, Finance Sina and 21st Century Business Review etc.

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