Huey Lei

Assistant Professor at University of Saint Joseph



The two-year programme of Master of Science in Mathematics Education offered by the Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong was enriching and challenging. As a student, the programme offered a wide range of courses covering the main areas of mathematics knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and general education issues which enhanced mathematics teachers’ professional practices. I not only benefited from the expertise through theories and practices, but also developed a network connecting passionate educators in mathematics education in Hong Kong.

As a teacher, the countless lectures in the evenings took away my limited time after school work. It was challenging for me to make balance between the study and the work. When approaching the due dates for submissions of assignments, I was often confused about distinguishing between my students’ works and my coursework on a messy table. Although there were difficult moments, I have gained something more than I expected in this unforgettable study journey in CUHK.

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