Ingmar Björkman
Dean / Professor of International Business at Aalto University School of Business
Aalto University School of Business
Ingmar Björkman has been the Dean of the School of Business since January 1, 2012. In addition to his role as Dean, he teaches the 'Strategic Human Resource Management' course in the Executive MBA program and co-teaches the bachelor's level course 'Introduction to Business.'.
Ingmar Björkman (born 1959, raised in Norway) received his PhD from the Hanken School of Economics (Finland) after having done parts of his studies at Stanford University. Prior to joining Aalto University he was Professor of Managment and Organization at the Hanken School of Economics, where he served as Dean of Research and Internationalization during 2005-2007 and Head of the Department of Management and Organization from 1998 to 2011. Having taught at a number of business schools in Europe and Asia, Björkman has received teaching awards from Hanken School of Economics, Fudan University (Shanghai), and INSEAD (Singapore). Ingmar Björkman´s main research area is International Management, with a particular focus on people management issues in multinational corporations.
(1) Björkman, I. (1986): Finländska företags beslut om direktinvesteringar utomlands: En studie av fyra beslutsprocesser. (Foreign direct investment decisions made by Finnish firms: A study of four decision making processes). Unpublished licentiate thesis. Helsinki: Hanken School of Economics. 192 pp.
(2) ____ (1989): Foreign direct investments: An empirical study of decision making in seven Finnish firms. Helsinki: Hanken School of Economics. Ekonomi och Samhälle nr 42. (PhD thesis). 188 pp.
(3) ____ (1990): Internationellt företagande. (International management). Helsinki: Hanken School of Economics. 345 pp.
(4) ____ and Lindell, P. (1994) Doing business in China. Helsinki. Report to the Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry. 81 pp.
(5) ____ and Forsgren, M., editors (1997): The nature of the international firm - Nordic contributions to international business research. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.
(6) ____, Lasserre, P. and Ching, P.-S. (1997): Developing local managers and professionals in China. Hong Kong: Financial Times. 64 pp.
(7) Stahl, G. and Björkman, I., editors (2006): Handbook of research in international resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing. 581 pp.
(8) Evans, P., Pucik, V. and Björkman, I. (2011): The Global Challenge: International Human Resource Management. Second edition. McGraw-Hill. 699 pp.
(9) Stahl, G., Björkman, I. and Morris, S., editors (2012): Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management. Second edition. Edward Elgar Publishing. 593 pp.
(10) Pucik, V., Evans, P., Björkman, I., and Morris, S. (2017): The Global Challenge: International Human Resource Management. Third edition. Chicago Business Press.
Articles in refereed academic journals
(1) Björkman, I. (1989): Factors influencing processes of radical change in organizational belief systems. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 5: 251-271.
(2) ____ (1990): Foreign direct investments: An organizational learning perspective. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 39: 271-294.
(3) ____ and Blichner, L. (1990): Managerial succession and strategic change. Administrative Studies, 9: 23-31.
(4) ____ and Karjalainen, P. (1990): Critical issues in Sino-foreign Joint Ventures. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 39: 3-15.
(5) ____ and Lindqvist, M. (1991): Foreign subsidiary control in Finnish firms - A comparison with Hanken practice. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 40: 111-127.
(6) ____ and Gertsen, M. (1993): Selecting and Training Scandinavian Expatriates: Determinants of Corporate Practice. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 9: 145-164.
(7) ____ (1994): Managing Swedish and Finnish Multinational Companies: The role of the board of directors in French and Norwegian subsidiaries. International Business Review, 5: 47-69.
(8) ____ and Schaap, A. (1994): Outsiders in the Middle Kingdom: Expatriate managers in Sino-Western joint ventures. European Management Journal, 12: 147-153.
(9) ____ and Schaap, A. (1994): Human Resource Management Practices in Sino-Western Joint Ventures. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 43: 111-125.
(10) ____ (1995): The board of directors in Sino-Western joint ventures. Corporate Governance, 3: 156-166.
(11) ____ and Kock, S. (1995): Social relationships and business networks: the case of Western companies in China. International Business Review, 4: 519-535.
(12) ____ and Eklund, M. (1996): The sequence of operational modes used by Finnish investors in Germany, International Journal of Marketing. 4: 33-55.
(13) ____ and Kock, S. (1997): Inward internationalization of service firms. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8: 362-376.
(14) Lu, Y. and Björkman, I. (1997b): MNC standardisation versus localisation: MNC practices in China-Western joint ventures. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8: 614-628.
(15) Björkman, I. and Osland, G.E. (1998): Multinational corporations in China: Responding to host government pressures. Long Range Planning, 31: 102-111.
(16) Lu, Y. and Björkman, I. (1998): Human resource management in international joint ventures in China. Journal of General Management, 23(4): 63-79.
(17) Osland, G.E. and Björkman, I. (1998): MNC - host government interaction: Government pressures on MNCs in China. European Management Journal, 16: 91-100.
(18) Björkman, I. and Ehrnrooth, M. (1999): HRM in Western subsidiaries in Russia and Poland. Journal of East-West Business. 5(3): 63-79.
(19) ____ and Lu, Y. (1999a): A corporate perspective on the management of human resources in China. Journal of World Business, 34: 16-25.
(20) ____ and Lu, Y. (1999b): The management of human resources in Chinese-Western joint ventures. Journal of World Business, 34: 306-324.
(21) Fey, C., Engström, P. and Björkman, I. (1999): Effective Human Resource Management Practices in Russia. Organizational Dynamics, (Autumn): 69-80.
(22) Björkman, I. and Forsgren, M. (2000): Nordic international business research: A review of its development. International Studies of Management and Organization, 30(1): 6-26.
(23) ____ and Furu, P. (2000): Determinants of variable pay for top managers of foreign subsidiaries in Finland. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30: 698-713.
(24) Fey, C., Björkman, I. and Pavlovskaya, A. (2000): The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11: 1-18.
(25) Delios, A. and Björkman, I. (2000): Expatriate staffing in subsidiaries of Japanese MNEs. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11: 278-291.
(26) Fey, C. and Björkman, I. (2001): The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia. Journal of International Business Studies, 32: 55-71.
(27) Björkman, I. and Lu, Y. (2001): Institutionalization and bargaining power explanations of human resource management practices in international joint ventures – the case of Chinese-Western joint ventures. Organization Studies, 22: 491-512.
(28) ____ and Fan, X. (2002): Human resource management and the performance of Western firms in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13: 853-864.
(29) Björkman, I. (2002): The diffusion of Western-style Human Resource Management practices among Chinese firms: The role of Western multinational corporations. Asia-Pacific Business Review, 9(2): 43-60.
(30) Vaara, E., Björkman, I. and Tienari, J. (2003): Knowledge transfer around ‘best practices’: A sensemaking perspective. Nordic Organization Studies/Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 5: 37-57.
(31) Tienari, J., Vaara, E. and Björkman, I. (2003): Global Capitalism Meets National Spirit: Discourses in Media Texts on a Cross-Border Acquisition. Journal of Management Inquiry, 12: 377-293.
(32) Minbaeva, D., Pedersen, T., Björkman, I., Fey, C. and Park, H.J. (2003): MNC Knowledge Transfer, Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity and HRM. Journal of International Business Studies, 34: 586-599.
(33) Park, H.J., Mitsuhashi, H., Fey, C., and Björkman, I. (2003): The effect of human resource management practices on Japanese MNC subsidiary performance: A partial mediating model. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14: 1391-1406.
(34) Björkman, I., Barner-Rasmussen, W. and Li Li (2004): Managing knowledge transfer in MNCs: The impact of headquarters control mechanisms. Journal of International Business Studies, 35: 443-455.
(35) Holopainen, J. and Björkman, I. (2005): The Personal Characteristics of the Successful Expatriate: A Critical Review of the Literature and an Empirical Investigation. Personnel Review, 34: 37-50.
(36) Andersson, U., Björkman, I. and Forsgren, M. (2005): Managing Subsidiary Knowledge Creation: The Effect of Headquarters Control Mechanisms on Subsidiary External Network Embeddedness. International Business Review, 14: 521-538.
(37) Barner-Rasmussen, W. and Björkman, I. (2005): Surmounting Interunit Barriers: Factors associated with interunit communication intensity in the multinational corporation. International Studies of Management and Organization, 35(1): 28-46.
(38) Björkman, I. and Söderberg, A.-M. (2006): The Roles Played by the HR Function in Large-Scale Mergers and Acquisitions: The Case of Nordea. Personnel Review, 35: 654-670.
(39) Xiao, Z. and Björkman, I. (2006): Measuring High Commitment Work System in Chinese Organizations. Management and Organization Review, 2: 403-422.
(40) Li L., Barner-Rasmussen, W. and Björkman, I. (2007): What Difference does the Location Make? A social capital perspective on transfer of knowledge from MNC subsidiaries located in China and Finland. Asia-Pacific Business Review, 13(2): 1-17.
(41) Barner-Rasmussen, W. and Björkman, I. (2007): Language Matters! Language Fluency, Socialization Mechanisms and their Relationship to Interunit Trustworthiness and Shared Vision. Management and Organization Review, 3: 105-128.
(42) Björkman, I., Fey, C. and Park, H.J. (2007): Explaining MNC Subsidiary HRM Practices: Evidence from a Three-Country Study. Journal of International Business Studies, 38: 430-446.
(43) Björkman, I. and Björk, B.-C. (2007): Estimating the research impact of Finnish business studies professors. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics. Vol. 56: 77-83.
(44) Björkman, I., Stahl, G. and Vaara, E. (2007): Cultural Differences and Capability Transfer in Cross-Border Acquisitions: The Mediating Roles of Capability Complementarity, Absorptive Capacity, and Social Integration. Journal of International Business Studies, 38: 658-672.
(45) Björkman, I. and Lervik, J.-E. (2007): Transferring HRM practices within multinational corporations. Human Resource Management Journal, 17: 320-335.
(46) Barner-Rasmussen, W., Piekkari, R. and Björkman, I. (2007): Mobility of Headquarters in Multinational Corporations. European Journal of International Management, 1: 260-274.
(47) Björkman, I. and Budhwar, P. (2007): When in Rome…? Human Resource Management and the performance of foreign firms operating in India. Employee Relations. 29: 595-610.
(48) Björkman, I., Smale. A., Sumelius, J., Suutari, V. and Lu, Y. (2008): Changes in institutional context and MNC operations in China: Subsidiary HRM practices in 1996 versus 2006. International Business Review, 17: 146-158.
(49) Björkman, I., Budhwar, P., Smale, A. and Sumelius, J. (2008): Human resource management in foreign-owned subsidiaries: China versus India. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19: 966-980.
(50) Sumelius, J., Björkman, I. and Smale, A. (2008): The influence of internal and external social networks on HRM capabilities in MNC subsidiaries in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19: 2294-2310.
(51) Fey, C., Morgoulis-Jakoushev, S., Park, H.J. and Björkman, I. (2009): Opening up the black box of the relationship between HRM practices and firm performance: A comparison of USA, Finland and Russia. Journal of International Business Studies, 40: 690-712.
(52) Mäkelä, K., Björkman, I. and Ehrnrooth, M. (2009): MNC subsidiary staffing architecture: Building human and social capital within the organization. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20: 1273-1290.
(53) Sumelius, J., Björkman, I. and Smale, A. (2009): The strategic role of HR in MNC subsidiaries in China between 1999 and 2006. Chinese Management Studies, 3: 205-312.
(54) Mäkelä, K., Björkman, I., and Ehrnrooth, M. (2010): How do MNCs establish their talent pools? Influences on individuals' likelihood of being labeled as talent. Journal of World Business, 45: 134-142.
(55) Björkman, I. and Smale, A. (2010): La gestión global del talento: Retos y Soluciones (‘Global talent management: Challenges and solutions’). Universia Business Review, 27: 30-43.
(56) Björkman, I., Barner-Rasmussen, W. and Vaara, E. (2010): Towards Crossvergence, Micro-Level Analyses and Critical Perspectives. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 26: 417-420.
(57) Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Smale, A., and John, S. (2011): The Determinants of Line Management Internalisation of HRM Practices in MNC Subsidiaries. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 22: 1654–1671.
(58) Vaara, E., Sarala, R., Stahl, G. and Björkman, I. (2012): The Impact of National and Organizational Cultural Differences on Post-Acquisition Integration Outcomes. Journal of Management Studies. 49: 1-27.
(59) Stahl, G., Björkman, I., Farndale, E., Morris, S., Paauwe, J., Stiles, P., Trevor, J. and Wright, P. (2012): Six Principles of Global Talent Management. MIT Sloan Management Review. 53 (Winter): 25-32.
(60) Smale, A. Björkman, I. and Sumelius, J. (2012): HRM Integration Mechanism Usage in MNC Subsidiaries in China. Personnel Review. 41: 180-199.
(61) Ehrnrooth, M. and Björkman, I. (2012): The HRM process, employee performance and workload: A study of the mechanisms of HRM’s influence. Journal of Management Studies, 49: 1109-1135.
(62) Smale, A. Björkman, I. and Sumelius, J. (2013): HRM Integration Mechanisms in MNCs: European Subsidiaries in China. Journal of World Business, 48: 232-240.
(63) Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Mäkelä. K., Smale, A. and Sumelius, J. (2013): Talent or Not? Employee Reactions to Talent Identification. Human Resource Management, 52: 195-214.
(64) Mäkelä, K., Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Smale, A., and Sumelius, J. (2013): Serving Many Masters: The Evaluation of HRM Capabilities within the MNC. Journal of International Business Studies, 44: 813-832.
(65) Björkman, I. and Mäkelä, K. (2013): Are You Willing to Do What it Takes to Become a Senior Global Leader? Explaining Willingness to Undertake Challenging Leadership Development Activities. European Journal of International Management, 7: 570-582.
(66) Minbaeva, D., Pedersen, T., Björkman, I. and Fey, C. (2014): A Retrospective: MNC Knowledge Transfer, Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity and HRM. Journal of International Business Studies, 45: 52-62.
(67) Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Mäkelä. K., Smale, A. and Sumelius, J. (2014): From HRM practices to the practice of HRM: Setting a research agenda. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 1: 122-140.
(68) Björkman, I. and Welch, D. (2015): Framing the Field of International Human Resource Management Research. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26: 136-150.
(69) Sumelius, J., Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Mäkelä. K., and Smale, A.(2014): Influences on Employee Perceptions of Performance Appraisal Process Features in MNC subsidiaries. Human Resource Management, 53: 569-592.
(70) Welch, D. and Björkman I. (2015): The Place of International Human Resource Management in International Business. Management International Review, 55: 303-322.
(71) Ahlvik, C. and Björkman, I. (2015): Towards Explaining Subsidiary Implementation, Integration, and Internalization of MNC Headquarters HRM Practices. International Business Review, 24: 497-505.
(72) Smale, A., Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Mäkelä, K., and Sumelius, J. (2015): Organizational Identification in MNC subsidiaries: A multi-level study. Journal of International Business Studies, 46: 761-783.
(73) John, S. and Björkman, I. (2015): In the eyes of the beholder: The HRM capabilities of the HR function as perceived by managers and professionals. Human Resource Management Journal, 25: 424-452.
(74) Morris, S., Snell, S. and Björkman, I. (2016): Toward an Architectural Framework for Human Capital within the Global Context. Journal of International Business Studies, 47: 723-747.
Book chapters
(1) Björkman, I. (1990): Hur förklara företags direktinvesteringar i producerande enheter utomlands' (How to explain foreign direct investments in manufacturing units'). In: Studia Contemporanea Economica. Helsinki: Hanken School of Economics: 69-73.
(2) ____ (1994) Role perception and behavior among Chinese managers in Sino-Western joint ventures. In: Sally Stewart (ed.): Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies. Vol. 4. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press. An earlier verion was published in: Jin Xuqiang, editor (1993): The guide to entering into foreign office and foreign funded enterprises.
(3) ____ (1996): Market entry and development in China: the experience of companies selling industrial goods and projects. In Child, J. and Lu, Y., editors: Management Issues for China: Volume II. International Enterprises. London: Routledge: 66-85.
(4) ____ (1996): Using different theoretical perspectives to study MNC adaptation to the local environment: The case of HRM practices in China. In Repo, A., Eriksson, P. & Hunt, J.G. (eds.): Global perspectives on processual research on management and organization. Tempere: University of Tampere, Series C, no. 6.
(5) ____ (1997): Towards explaining human resource management practices in international joint ventures - the case of Chinese-Western joint ventures. In I. Björkman and Forsgren, M., editors: The nature of the international firm - Nordic contributions to international business research. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press: 337-361.
(6) ____ (1997): Asien - underutvecklad region eller ekonomiskt vidunder' (Asia - underdeveloped region or economic miracle') In J. Kivistö (ed.): Aasian aika. Helsinki: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 55-58.
(7) ____ and Forsgren, M. (1997): Nordic contributions to international business research. In I. Björkman and Forsgren, M. (eds.): The nature of the international firm - Nordic contributions to international business research. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press: 11-29.
(8) ____ and Lu, Y. (1997): HRM practices in foreign investment enterprises in China: What has been learnt' In: Anne Carver & Sally Stewart, editors: Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies. Vol. 5. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press: 155-172.
(9) Lu, Y. and Björkman, I (1997a).: International joint venture decision-making. In P. Beamish and P. Killing (eds.): Cooperative strategies: Asia-Pacific perspectives. San Francisco, CA: The New Lexington Press: 3-21.
(10) Björkman, I. (1998): To match or not to match with the environment, that's the question: The management of human resource management in Western companies in China. In H. Tikkanen (ed.): Marketing and international business ' Essays in honour of professor Karin Holstius on her 65th birthday. Turku: Turku School of Economics: 45-62.
(11) ____ (1998): Motives for entering EUREKA projects. In G. Sevón and K. Kreiner (eds.): Constructing R & D collaboration. Copenhagen Business School Press: 27-43.
(12) Lindell, M. and Björkman, I. (1998): The formation of international collaborative R & D ventures. In G. Sevón and K. Kreiner (eds.): Constructing R & D collaboration. Copenhagen Business School Press: 45-64.
(13) Björkman, I. (1999): On economic and decision process oriented perspectives to analyzing foreign direct investment decisions. In U. Lehtinen & H. Seristö (eds.): Perspectives on Internationalization. Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics: 31-45.
(14) Lindholm, N., Tahvanainen, M. and Björkman, I. (1999): Performance appraisal of host country employees: Western MNCs in China. In C. Brewster and H. Harris (eds.): International HRM: Contemporary issues in Europe. London: Routledge: 143-159.
(15) Björkman, I. and Lu, Y. (2000): Local or global' Human resource management in international joint ventures in China. In M. Warner (ed.): Changing workplace relations in the Chinese economy. London: Macmillan: 117-138.
(16) Holopainen, J. and Björkman, I. (2002): The personality of the successful expatriate: A critical review of the literature and an empirical investigation. In Larimo, J. (ed.): Current European Research in International Business. Vaasa: Vaasan Yliopiston Julkaisuja: 284-300.
(17) Andersson, U., Björkman, I. and Furu, P. (2002): Subsidiary absorptive capacity, MNC headquarters' control strategies and transfer of subsidiary competencies. In Haagedorn, J. & Lundan, S. (eds.): Network Knowledge in International Business. Edward Elgar: 115-136.
(18) Björkman, I. and Söderberg, A.-M. (2003): Quo vadis, HR' An analysis of the roles played by the HR function during the post-merger process. In Söderberg, A.-M. and Vaara, E. (eds.) Socio-cultural perspectives on post-merger integration. Copenhagen Business School Press: 177-202.
(19) Björkman, I., Tienari, J. and Vaara, E. (2003): Trapped in the past or making use of experience' On learning in post-merger integration. In Söderberg, A.-M. and Vaara, E. (eds.) Socio-cultural perspectives on post-merger integration. Copenhagen Business School Press: 203-228.
(20) Söderberg, A.-M. and Björkman, I. (2003): From words to action' Socio-cultural integration initiatives in a cross-border merger. In Söderberg, A.-M. and Vaara, E. (eds.) Socio-cultural perspectives on post-merger integration. Copenhagen Business School Press: 139-175.
(21) Vaara, E., Tienari, J. and Björkman, I. (2003): Best practice is west practice' A sensemaking perspective on knowledge transfer. In Söderberg, A.-M. and Vaara, E. (eds.) Socio-cultural perspectives on post-merger integration. Copenhagen Business School Press: 111-138.
(22) Barner-Rasmussen, W. and Björkman, I. (2003): Pendulum swings: The evolution of Wärtsilä Diesel into a global corporation. In: Mannio, P., Vaara, E. and Ylä-Anttila, P. (eds.) Our Path Abroad: Exploring post-war internationalization of Finnish corporations. Helsinki: Taloustieto: 255-270.
(23) Barner-Rasmussen, W., Björkman, I., and Vaara, E. (2003): The limits of learning in stepwise international industrial restructuring: Case Sanitec. In Mannio, P., Vaara, E. and Ylä-Anttila, P. (eds.): Our Path Abroad: Exploring post-war internationalization of Finnish corporations. Helsinki: Taloustieto: 199-214.
(24) Björkman, I., Tienari, J. and Vaara, E. (2005): A learning perspective on socio-cultural integration in cross-national mergers. In Mendenhall, M. and Stahl, G. (eds.): Socio-cultural integration of mergers and acquisitions. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press: 155-175.
(25) Björkman, I. (2006): International Human Resource Management Research and Institutional Theory. In Stahl, G. and Björkman, I. (eds.): Handbook of research in international resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing: 463-474.
(26) Björkman, I. and Stahl, G. (2006): International Human Resource Management Research: An Introduction to the Field. In Stahl, G. and Björkman, I., editors: Handbook of research in international resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing: 1-11.
(27) Barner-Rasmussen, W. and Björkman, I. (2007): Social capital and knowledge transfer between subsidiaries of foreign MNCs and local organizations: Comparing the cases of China and Finland. In Clegg, S., Wang, K. and Berrell, M., editors: Business networks and strategic alliances in China. Edward Elgar: 77-98.
(28) Fey, C. and Björkman, I. (2007): The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia. In Domsch, M.E. and Likhokover, T., editor: HRM in Russia. Ashgate: 307-330.
(29) Björkman, I. (2007): International Human Resource Management. In Clegg, S. and Bailey, J.R., editors: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. Sage: 704-708.
(30) Mäkelä, K. Barner-Rasmussen, W. & Björkman, I. (2008): Drivers of Interpersonal and Inter-Unit Trust in Multinational Corporations. In Feldman, M. P. and Santangelo, G. D. (eds.): New Perspectives in International Business Research, Volume 3. Binley, UK: Emerald: 59-80.
(31) Budhwar, P., Björkman, I. and Singh, V. (2009): Emerging HRM systems of foreign firms operating in India. In Budhwar, P. and Bhatnagar, J. (eds.): The Changing Face of People Management in India. London: Routledge: 115-134.
(32) Björkman, I., Barner-Rasmussen, W., Ehrnrooth, M. and Mäkelä, K. (2009): Performance Management across Borders. In Sparrow, P. (ed.): Blackwell Handbook of International HR Research: Integrating People, Process and Context. London: Blackwell: 229-249.
(33) Evans, P., Smale, A., Björkman, I. and Pucik, V. (2010): Leadership Development in Multinational Corporations. In Storey, J.: Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends. Routledge, 2nd edition: 207-222.
(34) Björkman, I., Pucik, V. and Evans, P. (2011): Managing knowledge in multinational firms. In Harzing, A.-W. and Pinnington, A. (eds.) International Human Resource Management. Sage. 3rd edition: 345-376.
(35) Pucik, V., Björkman, I., Evans, P. and Stahl, G. (2011): Human Resource Management in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions. In Harzing, A.-W. and Pinnington, A. (eds.) International Human Resource Management. Sage, 3rd edition: 119-152.
(36) Evans, P., Pucik, V. and Björkman, I. (2011): Putting the Challenges of International Human Resource Management into Perspective. In Mendenhall, M., Oddou, G., and Stahl, G.: Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management. Routledge, 5th edition.
(37) Pucik, V., Evans, P., and Björkman, I. (2011): Human Resource Management Issues in International Mergers and Acquisitions. In Mendenhall, M., Oddou, G., and Stahl, G.: Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management. Routledge, 5th edition.
(38) Björkman, I., Stahl, G., and Morris, S. (2012): Introduction. In Stahl, G. and Björkman, I., editors: Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management. Second Edition. Edward Elgar Publishing: 1-12.
(39) Björkman, I. and Gooderham, P. (2012): International Human Resource Management Research and Institutional Theory. In Stahl, G., Björkman, I., and Morris, S. (eds.): Handbook of Research in International Resource Management. Second edition. Edward Elgar Publishing: 472-488.
(40) Björkman, I. (2013): Personalledning i internationella organisationer: Aalto-universitets handelshögskola som exempel. In Sphinx Årsbok 2012-13. Helsingfors: Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten.
(41) Björkman, I, (2014): Aalto-universitet: Tvärvetenskaplighet och samverkan. In Erikson, M.G., Johannisson, J. and Sundeen, J. (eds.): Vetenskap på tvären: Akademiska värden, friheter och gränser. Borås: Borås skriftserie Vetenskap för profession.
(42) Björkman, I., Pucik, V., Evans, P., and Minbaeva, D. (2014): Managing knowledge in multinational firms. In Harzing, A.-W. and Pinnington, A. (eds.): International Human Resource Management. Sage. 4th edition, 291-324.
(43) Pucik, V., Björkman, I., Evans, P. and Stahl, G. (2014): Human Resource Management in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions. In Harzing, A.-W. and Pinnington, A. (eds.) International Human Resource Management. Sage, 4th edition, 251-287.
(44) Teerikangas, S., Stahl, G., Björkman, I. and Mendenhall, M. (2014): IHRM issues in Mergers & Acquisitions. In Collins, D.G, Wood, G. and Caligiuri, P. (eds.): Companion to International Human Resource Management. Routledge, 423-456.
(45) Evans, P., Smale, A., Björkman, I. and Pucik, V. (2016): Leadership Challenges and Dilemmas in Multinational Corporations. In Storey, J. (ed.): Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends. Routledge, 3rd edition, 227-245.
(46) Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Mäkelä, K., Smale, A. and Sumelius, J. (2017): Talent Management in Multinational Corporations. In Cascio, W., Collings, D. and Mellahi, K. (eds.): Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, 461-477. Oxford University Press.
Cases for teaching purposes
(1) Björkman, I. (1999): Wärtsilä in China (A & B). INSEAD-EAC.
(2) ____ and Galunic, C. (1999): Lincoln Electric in China. INSEAD. Reprinted in Schuler, R. and Briscoe, D. (2004): International Human Resource Management. Routledge.
(3) ____ and Ming Zeng (1999): Guangdong Electronics. INSEAD-EAC.
(4) ____ and Vaara, E. (2003): Nordea Markets: Building a Nordic bank. European Case Clearing House.
(5) ____ (2004): Peter Hanson: Building a world-class product development center for Hi Tech Systems in China. In Dowling, P. and Welch, D.: International HRM: 281-288. London: Thomson.
(6) Smale, A. and Björkman, I. (2011): Finland: Implementing a Global Diversity Management Initiative in Finland. In Hayton, J.C., Biron, M., Castro Christiansen, L., and Kuvaas, B., editors: Global Human Resource Management Casebook: 72-84. New York: Routledge.
(7) Smale, I., Björkman, I. and Saarinen, J. (2015): Pushing the Right Buttons: Global Talent Management at KONE Corporation. The Case House: No. 415-111-1.
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
Journal article-refereed, Original researchAn architectural framework for global talent management
Morris, Shad; Snell, Scott; Björkman, Ingmar2016 in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.)ISSN: 0047-2506Towards explaining subsidiary implementation, integration, and internalization of MNC headquarters HRM practices
Ahlvik, Catharina; Björkman, Ingmar2015 in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW (Elsevier Science B.V.)ISSN: 0969-5931Framing the field of international human resource management research
Björkman, Ingmar; Welch, Denice2015 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Routledge (Taylor & Francis))ISSN: 0958-5192In the eyes of the beholder: the HRM capabilities of the HR function as perceived by managers and professionals
John, Sofia; Björkman, Ingmar2015 in HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 0954-5395Dual values-based organizational identification in MNC subsidiaries: A multilevel study
Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; John, Sofia; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Sumelius, Jennie2015 in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.)ISSN: 0047-2506The place of international human resource management in international business
Welch, Denice; Björkman, Ingmar2015 in MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL REVIEW (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG)ISSN: 0938-8249From HRM practices to the practice of HRM: setting a research agenda
Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Smale, Adam; Sumelius, Jennie2014 in JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG)ISSN: 2051-6614A retrospective on: MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity, and HRM
Minbaeva, Dana B.; Pedersen, Torben; Björkman, Ingmar; Fey, Carl F.2014 in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.)ISSN: 0047-2506What determines employee perceptions of HRM process features?The case of performance appraisal in MNC subsidiaries
Sumelius, Jennie; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Smale, Adam2014 in HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Wiley-Liss Inc.)ISSN: 0090-4848Talent or not?Employee reactions to talent identification
Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Smale, Adam; Sumelius, Jennie2013 in HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Wiley-Liss Inc.)ISSN: 0090-4848Are you willing to do what it takes to become a senior global leader?Explaining the willingness to undertake challenging leadership development activities
Björkman, Ingmar; Mäkelä, Kristiina2013 in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT (INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS)ISSN: 1751-6757Explaining stakeholder evaluations of HRM capabilities in MNC subsidiaries
Mäkelä, Kristiina; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Smale, Adam; Sumelius, Jennie2013 in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.)ISSN: 0047-2506Examining the differential use of global integration mechanisms across HRM practices: Evidence from China
Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar; Sumelius, Jennie2013 in Journal of World Business (Elsevier Inc.)ISSN: 1090-9516An integrative HRM process theorization: Beyond signalling effects and mutual gains
Ehrnrooth, Mats; Björkman, Ingmar2012 in JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0022-2380HRM integration mechanism usage in MNC subsidiaries in China
Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar; Sumelius, Jennie2012 in PERSONNEL REVIEW (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 0048-3486Six principles of effective global talent management
Stahl, Gunter K.; Björkman, Ingmar; Farndale, Elaine; Morris, Shad S.; Paauwe, Jaap; Stiles, Philip; Trevor, Jonathan; Wright, Patrick2012 in MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)ISSN: 1532-9194The impact of organizational and national cultural differences on social conflict and knowledge transfer in international acquisitions
Vaara, Eero; Sarala, Riikka; Stahl, Gunter K.; Björkman, Ingmar2012 in JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES (Wiley-Blackwell)ISSN: 0022-2380The determinants of Line Management Internalisation of HRM Practices in MNC Subsidiaries
Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Smale, Adam; John, Sofia2011 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Routledge (Taylor & Francis))ISSN: 0958-5192Global talent management Challenges and solutions
Björkman, Ingmar; Smale, Adam2010 in UNIVERSIA BUSINESS REVIEW (Universia)ISSN: 1698-5117La gestión global del talent: Retos y Soluciones
Björkman, Ingmar; Smale, Adam2010 in UNIVERSIA BUSINESS REVIEW (Universia)ISSN: 1698-5117How do MNCs establish their talent pools?Influences on individuals' likelihood of being labeled as talent
Mäkelä, Kristiina; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats2010 in Journal of World Business (Elsevier Inc.)ISSN: 1090-9516Opening up the black box of the relationship between HRM practices and firm performance A Comparison of MNE Subsidiaries in the USA, Finland, and Russia
Fey, C.; Morgoulis-Jakoushev, S.; Park, H.J.; Björkman, Ingmar2009 in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.)ISSN: 0047-2506MNC subsidiary staffing architecture: building human and social capital within the organisation
Mäkelä, Kristiina; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats2009 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Routledge (Taylor & Francis))ISSN: 0958-5192The strategic role of HR in MNC subsidiaries in China between 1999 and 2006
Sumelius, Jennie; Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar2009 in CHINESE MANAGEMENT STUDIES (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 1750-614XChanges in institutional context and MNC operations in China: Subsidiary HRM practices in 1996 versus 2006
Björkman, Ingmar; Smale, A.; Sumelius, Jennie; Suutari, V.; Lu, Y.2008 in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW (Elsevier Science B.V.)ISSN: 0969-5931Human resource management in foreign-owned subsidiaries: China versus India
Björkman, Ingmar; Budhwar, Pawan; Smale, Adam; Sumelius, Jennie2008 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Routledge (Taylor & Francis))ISSN: 0958-5192The influence of internal and external social networks on HRM capabilities in MNC subsidiaries in China
Sumelius, Jennie; Björkman, Ingmar; Smale, Adam2008 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Routledge (Taylor & Francis))ISSN: 0958-5192Mobility of headquarters in multinational corporations
Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Piekkari, Rebecca; Björkman, Ingmar2007 in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT (INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS)ISSN: 1751-6757Language fluency, socialization and inter-unit relationships in Chinese and Finnish subsidiaries
Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Björkman, Ingmar2007 in MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW (Cambridge Univ Press)ISSN: 1740-8776When in Rome ...?Human resource management and the performance of foreign firms operating in India
Björkman, Ingmar; Budhwar, Pawan2007 in EMPLOYEE RELATIONS (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 0142-5455Estimating the Research Impact of Finnish Business Studies Professors
Björkman, Ingmar; Björk, Bo-Christer2007 in LIIKETALOUDELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA (Liiketaloustieteellinen Yhdistys Ry)ISSN: 0024-3469Explaining MNC Subsidiary HRM Practices
Björkman, Ingmar; Fey, C.; Park, H.J.2007 in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.)ISSN: 0047-2506Transferring HR practices within multinational corporations
Björkman, Ingmar; Lervik, J-E.2007 in HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 0954-5395Cultural Differences and Capability Transfer in Cross-Border Acquisitions: The Mediating Roles of Capability Complementarity, Absorptive Capacity, and Social Integration
Björkman, Ingmar; Stahl, G.; Vaara, Eero2007 in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.)ISSN: 0047-2506What difference does the location make? A Social Capital Perspective on Transfer of Knowledge from Multinational Corporation Subsidiaries Located in China and Finland
Li, Li; Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Björkman, Ingmar2007 in ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS REVIEW (Routledge (Taylor & Francis))ISSN: 1360-2381The HR function in large-scale mergers and acquisitions: the case study of Nordea
Björkman, Ingmar; Söderberg, Anne-Marie2006 in PERSONNEL REVIEW (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)ISSN: 0048-3486High Commitment Work Systems in Chinese Organizations: A Preliminary Measure
Zhixing, Xiao; Björkman, Ingmar2006 in MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW (Cambridge Univ Press)ISSN: 1740-8776Managing subsidiary knowledge creation
Andersson, Ulf; Björkman, Ingmar; Forsgren, Mats2005 in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW (Elsevier Science B.V.)ISSN: 0969-5931Managing knowledge transfer in MNCs: the impact of headquarters control mechanisms
Björkman, Ingmar; Barner-Rasmussen, W; Li, Li2004 in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.)ISSN: 0047-2506Global Capitalism Meets National Spirit: Discourses in Media Texts on a Cross-Border Acquisition
Tienari, J.; Vaara, E.; Björkman, I.2003 in JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INQUIRY (SAGE Publications Inc.)ISSN: 1056-4926Best Practice is West Practice?A Sensemaking Perspective on Knowledge Transfer in a Merging Organization
Vaara, E.; Tienari, J.; Björkman, I.2003 in NORDISKE ORGANISASJONSSTUDIER (SAGE Publications Inc.)ISSN: 1501-8237Book section, Chapters in research booksPeter Hansen Building a World-Class Product Development Centre for Hi-Tech Systems in China
Björkman, Ingmar2016 ISBN: 9781138950498Guangdong electronics
Björkman, Ingmar; Zeng, Ming2016 ISBN: 9781138950498Leadership challenges and dilemmas in multinational corporations
Evans, Paul; Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar; Pucik, Vladimir2016 ISBN: 9781138905689Managing Alliances and Joint Ventures
Pucik, Vladimir; Evans, Paul; Björkman, Ingmar2016 ISBN: 9781138950498Managing knowledge in multinational firms
Björkman, Ingmar; Evans, Paul; Pucik, Vladimir; Minbaeva, Dana2014 ISBN: 978-1-4462-6730-1Human resource management in cross-border mergers and acquisitions
Pucik, Vladimir; Björkman, Ingmar; Evans, Paul; Stahl, Günter K.2014 ISBN: 978-1-4462-6730-1IHRM issues in mergers and acquisitions
Teerikangas, Satu; Stahl, Günter K.; Björkman, Ingmar; Mendenhall, Mark E.2014 ISBN: 978-0-415-63604-9International human resource management research and institutional theory
Björkman, I.; Gooderham, P.2012 ISBN: 9781849809184Putting the challenges of international human resource management into perspective
Evans, Paul; Pucik, Vladimir; Björkman, Ingmar2012 ISBN: 978-0-415-89296-4Human resource management issues in international mergers and acquisitions
Pucik, Vladimir; Evans, Paul; Björkman, Ingmar2012 ISBN: 78-0-415-89296-4Managing knowledge in multinational firms
Björkman, Ingmar; Evans, Paul; Pucik, Vladimir2011 ISBN: 978-1-84787-283-8Leadership development in multinational firms
Evans, P.; Smale, A.; Björkman, I.; Pucik, V.2011 ISBN: 0-415-55705-4Human resource management in cross-border mergers and acquisitions
Pucik, Vladimir; Björkman, Ingmar; Evans, Paul; Stahl, Gunter K.2011 ISBN: 978-1-84787-283-8Finland: Implementing a Global Diversity Management Initiative in Finland Global Human Resource Management Casebook
Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar2011 ISBN: 978-0-415-89370-1 (hbk), 978-0-415-89371-8 (pbk)The strategic role of HR in MNC subsidiaries in China between 1999 and 2006 Sustainable HRM in the global economy - Conference Proceedings of HRM Global 2008
Sumelius, Jennie; Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar2009 Drivers of Interpersonal and Inter-Unit Trust in Multinational Corporations New Perspectives in International Business Research
Mäkelä, Kristiina; Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Björkman, Ingmar2008 ISBN: 978-1-84855-278-4ISSN: 1745-8862A learning perspective on sociocultural integration in cross-national mergers
Björkman, Ingmar; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2005 ISBN: 0-8047-4661-3Trapped in the past or making use of experience: On learning post-merger integration
Björkman, Ingmar; Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne2003 ISBN: 87-630-0115-2Best Practice is West Practice?A Sensemaking Perspective on Knowledge Transfer
Vaara, Eero; Tienari, Janne; Björkman, Ingmar2003 ISBN: 87-630-0115-2Performance appraisal of host country employees
Lindholm, N.; Tahvanainen, M.; Björkman, I.1999 ISBN: 0-415-19490-3Conference proceedingsLetting the chosen ones know The psychological effects of talent status self-awareness
Smale, Adam; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Björkman, Ingmar; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Sumelius, Jennie; Taimitarha, Susanna2015 in Academy of Management. Best Papers Proceedings (Academy of Management)ISSN: 0896-7911A multi-level study on the organizational identification of MNC subsidiary employees
Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; John, Sofia; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Sumelius, Jennie2013 Influences on employee perceptions of performance appraisal process features in MNC subsidiaries
Sumelius, Jennie; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Smale, Adam2013 Towards explaining MNC subsidiary implementation, integration, and internalization of HRM practices
Ahlvik, Catarina Anita; Björkman, Ingmar2012 In the eyes of the beholder: HR capabilities in MNC units as perceived by managers and professionals
John, Sofia; Björkman, Ingmar2012 Serving many masters: Evaluation of HR capabilities within the MNC
Mäkelä, Kristiina; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Smale, Adam; Sumelius, Jennie2012 Organizational identification in MNE subsidiaries: a multi-level study
Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Sumelius, Jennie2012 Mobility of divisional headquarters: motives for repeated relocation of MNC divisional headquarters
Barner-Rasmussen, W.; Piekkari, R.; Björkman, I.2004 Mobility of divisional headquarters: Motives for repeated relocation of MNC divisional headquarters
Barner-Rasmussen, W.; Piekkari, R.; Björkman, I.2004 A Learning Perspective on Socio-Cultural Integration in a Multi-Organizational Cross-National Merger
Björkman, Ingmar; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2002 Non-refereed scientific articles
Unrefereed journal articlesTalent Management – haaste ja mahdollisuus kehittyvillä markkinoilla
Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina2010 in Työn tuuli (Henkilöstöjohdon ryhmä - HENRY ry.)ISSN: 1235-2035Book sectionProcess research is back: a tribute to Jorma Larimo's contribution on FDI decision-making
Piekkari, Rebecca; Björkman, Ingmar2014 ISBN: 978-952-476-543-5ISSN: 0355-2667Aalto-universitet: Tvärvetenskaplighet och samverkan
Björkman, Ingmar2013 Personalledning i internationella organisationer: Aalto-universitets handelshögskola som exempel
Björkman, Ingmar2013 ISSN: 0783-5876Performance Management across Borders Handbook of International Human Resource Management
Björkman, Ingmar; Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina2009 ISBN: 978-1-4051-6740-6Emerging HRM systems of foreign firms operating in India The Changing Face of People Management in India
Budhwar, Pawan S.; Björkman, Ingmar; Singh, Virender2009 International Human Resource Management International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies
Björkman, Ingmar2007 ISBN: 9781412915151The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia Human Resource Management in Russia
Fey, C.; Björkman, Ingmar2007 ISBN: 978-0754648765International human resource management research and institutional theory
Björkman, Ingmar2006 ISBN: 978-1-84542-128-1Case Nordea Markets Mergers and Acquisitions
Björkman, Ingmar; Vaara, Eero2006 ISBN: 9780415364614International human resource management research: an introduction to the field
Björkman, Ingmar; Stahl, Günter2006 ISBN: 978-1-84542-128-1Gender in international human reource management Handbook of Research on International Human Resource Management
Ståhl, Gunther; Björkman, Ingmar; Hearn, Jeff2006 ISBN: 978 1 84542 128 1Scientific books (monographs)
Book (editor)Handbook of research in international human resource management
Stahl, Gunter K.; Björkman, Ingmar; Morris, Shad2012 ISBN: 9781849809184
An architectural framework for global talent management
Towards explaining subsidiary implementation, integration, and internalization of MNC headquarters HRM practices
Framing the field of international human resource management research
In the eyes of the beholder: the HRM capabilities of the HR function as perceived by managers and professionals
Dual values-based organizational identification in MNC subsidiaries: A multilevel study
The place of international human resource management in international business
From HRM practices to the practice of HRM: setting a research agenda
A retrospective on: MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity, and HRM
What determines employee perceptions of HRM process features?The case of performance appraisal in MNC subsidiaries
Talent or not?Employee reactions to talent identification
Are you willing to do what it takes to become a senior global leader?Explaining the willingness to undertake challenging leadership development activities
Explaining stakeholder evaluations of HRM capabilities in MNC subsidiaries
Examining the differential use of global integration mechanisms across HRM practices: Evidence from China
An integrative HRM process theorization: Beyond signalling effects and mutual gains
HRM integration mechanism usage in MNC subsidiaries in China
Six principles of effective global talent management
The impact of organizational and national cultural differences on social conflict and knowledge transfer in international acquisitions
The determinants of Line Management Internalisation of HRM Practices in MNC Subsidiaries
Global talent management Challenges and solutions
La gestión global del talent: Retos y Soluciones
How do MNCs establish their talent pools?Influences on individuals' likelihood of being labeled as talent
Opening up the black box of the relationship between HRM practices and firm performance A Comparison of MNE Subsidiaries in the USA, Finland, and Russia
MNC subsidiary staffing architecture: building human and social capital within the organisation
The strategic role of HR in MNC subsidiaries in China between 1999 and 2006
Changes in institutional context and MNC operations in China: Subsidiary HRM practices in 1996 versus 2006
Human resource management in foreign-owned subsidiaries: China versus India
The influence of internal and external social networks on HRM capabilities in MNC subsidiaries in China
Mobility of headquarters in multinational corporations
Language fluency, socialization and inter-unit relationships in Chinese and Finnish subsidiaries
When in Rome ...?Human resource management and the performance of foreign firms operating in India
Estimating the Research Impact of Finnish Business Studies Professors
Explaining MNC Subsidiary HRM Practices
Transferring HR practices within multinational corporations
Cultural Differences and Capability Transfer in Cross-Border Acquisitions: The Mediating Roles of Capability Complementarity, Absorptive Capacity, and Social Integration
What difference does the location make? A Social Capital Perspective on Transfer of Knowledge from Multinational Corporation Subsidiaries Located in China and Finland
The HR function in large-scale mergers and acquisitions: the case study of Nordea
High Commitment Work Systems in Chinese Organizations: A Preliminary Measure
Managing subsidiary knowledge creation
Managing knowledge transfer in MNCs: the impact of headquarters control mechanisms
Global Capitalism Meets National Spirit: Discourses in Media Texts on a Cross-Border Acquisition
Best Practice is West Practice?A Sensemaking Perspective on Knowledge Transfer in a Merging Organization
Peter Hansen Building a World-Class Product Development Centre for Hi-Tech Systems in China
Guangdong electronics
Leadership challenges and dilemmas in multinational corporations
Managing Alliances and Joint Ventures
Managing knowledge in multinational firms
Human resource management in cross-border mergers and acquisitions
IHRM issues in mergers and acquisitions
International human resource management research and institutional theory
Putting the challenges of international human resource management into perspective
Human resource management issues in international mergers and acquisitions
Managing knowledge in multinational firms
Leadership development in multinational firms
Human resource management in cross-border mergers and acquisitions
Finland: Implementing a Global Diversity Management Initiative in Finland Global Human Resource Management Casebook
The strategic role of HR in MNC subsidiaries in China between 1999 and 2006 Sustainable HRM in the global economy - Conference Proceedings of HRM Global 2008
Drivers of Interpersonal and Inter-Unit Trust in Multinational Corporations New Perspectives in International Business Research
A learning perspective on sociocultural integration in cross-national mergers
Trapped in the past or making use of experience: On learning post-merger integration
Best Practice is West Practice?A Sensemaking Perspective on Knowledge Transfer
Performance appraisal of host country employees
Conference proceedingsLetting the chosen ones know The psychological effects of talent status self-awareness
Smale, Adam; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Björkman, Ingmar; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Sumelius, Jennie; Taimitarha, Susanna2015 in Academy of Management. Best Papers Proceedings (Academy of Management)ISSN: 0896-7911A multi-level study on the organizational identification of MNC subsidiary employees
Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; John, Sofia; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Sumelius, Jennie2013 Influences on employee perceptions of performance appraisal process features in MNC subsidiaries
Sumelius, Jennie; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Smale, Adam2013 Towards explaining MNC subsidiary implementation, integration, and internalization of HRM practices
Ahlvik, Catarina Anita; Björkman, Ingmar2012 In the eyes of the beholder: HR capabilities in MNC units as perceived by managers and professionals
John, Sofia; Björkman, Ingmar2012 Serving many masters: Evaluation of HR capabilities within the MNC
Mäkelä, Kristiina; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Smale, Adam; Sumelius, Jennie2012 Organizational identification in MNE subsidiaries: a multi-level study
Smale, Adam; Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Sumelius, Jennie2012 Mobility of divisional headquarters: motives for repeated relocation of MNC divisional headquarters
Barner-Rasmussen, W.; Piekkari, R.; Björkman, I.2004 Mobility of divisional headquarters: Motives for repeated relocation of MNC divisional headquarters
Barner-Rasmussen, W.; Piekkari, R.; Björkman, I.2004 A Learning Perspective on Socio-Cultural Integration in a Multi-Organizational Cross-National Merger
Björkman, Ingmar; Tienari, Janne; Vaara, Eero2002 Non-refereed scientific articles
Unrefereed journal articlesTalent Management – haaste ja mahdollisuus kehittyvillä markkinoilla
Björkman, Ingmar; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina2010 in Työn tuuli (Henkilöstöjohdon ryhmä - HENRY ry.)ISSN: 1235-2035Book sectionProcess research is back: a tribute to Jorma Larimo's contribution on FDI decision-making
Piekkari, Rebecca; Björkman, Ingmar2014 ISBN: 978-952-476-543-5ISSN: 0355-2667Aalto-universitet: Tvärvetenskaplighet och samverkan
Björkman, Ingmar2013 Personalledning i internationella organisationer: Aalto-universitets handelshögskola som exempel
Björkman, Ingmar2013 ISSN: 0783-5876Performance Management across Borders Handbook of International Human Resource Management
Björkman, Ingmar; Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina2009 ISBN: 978-1-4051-6740-6Emerging HRM systems of foreign firms operating in India The Changing Face of People Management in India
Budhwar, Pawan S.; Björkman, Ingmar; Singh, Virender2009 International Human Resource Management International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies
Björkman, Ingmar2007 ISBN: 9781412915151The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia Human Resource Management in Russia
Fey, C.; Björkman, Ingmar2007 ISBN: 978-0754648765International human resource management research and institutional theory
Björkman, Ingmar2006 ISBN: 978-1-84542-128-1Case Nordea Markets Mergers and Acquisitions
Björkman, Ingmar; Vaara, Eero2006 ISBN: 9780415364614International human resource management research: an introduction to the field
Björkman, Ingmar; Stahl, Günter2006 ISBN: 978-1-84542-128-1Gender in international human reource management Handbook of Research on International Human Resource Management
Ståhl, Gunther; Björkman, Ingmar; Hearn, Jeff2006 ISBN: 978 1 84542 128 1Scientific books (monographs)
Book (editor)Handbook of research in international human resource management
Stahl, Gunter K.; Björkman, Ingmar; Morris, Shad2012 ISBN: 9781849809184
Letting the chosen ones know The psychological effects of talent status self-awareness
A multi-level study on the organizational identification of MNC subsidiary employees
Influences on employee perceptions of performance appraisal process features in MNC subsidiaries
Towards explaining MNC subsidiary implementation, integration, and internalization of HRM practices
In the eyes of the beholder: HR capabilities in MNC units as perceived by managers and professionals
Serving many masters: Evaluation of HR capabilities within the MNC
Organizational identification in MNE subsidiaries: a multi-level study
Mobility of divisional headquarters: motives for repeated relocation of MNC divisional headquarters
Mobility of divisional headquarters: Motives for repeated relocation of MNC divisional headquarters
A Learning Perspective on Socio-Cultural Integration in a Multi-Organizational Cross-National Merger
Talent Management – haaste ja mahdollisuus kehittyvillä markkinoilla
Book sectionProcess research is back: a tribute to Jorma Larimo's contribution on FDI decision-making
Piekkari, Rebecca; Björkman, Ingmar2014 ISBN: 978-952-476-543-5ISSN: 0355-2667Aalto-universitet: Tvärvetenskaplighet och samverkan
Björkman, Ingmar2013 Personalledning i internationella organisationer: Aalto-universitets handelshögskola som exempel
Björkman, Ingmar2013 ISSN: 0783-5876Performance Management across Borders Handbook of International Human Resource Management
Björkman, Ingmar; Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina2009 ISBN: 978-1-4051-6740-6Emerging HRM systems of foreign firms operating in India The Changing Face of People Management in India
Budhwar, Pawan S.; Björkman, Ingmar; Singh, Virender2009 International Human Resource Management International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies
Björkman, Ingmar2007 ISBN: 9781412915151The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia Human Resource Management in Russia
Fey, C.; Björkman, Ingmar2007 ISBN: 978-0754648765International human resource management research and institutional theory
Björkman, Ingmar2006 ISBN: 978-1-84542-128-1Case Nordea Markets Mergers and Acquisitions
Björkman, Ingmar; Vaara, Eero2006 ISBN: 9780415364614International human resource management research: an introduction to the field
Björkman, Ingmar; Stahl, Günter2006 ISBN: 978-1-84542-128-1Gender in international human reource management Handbook of Research on International Human Resource Management
Ståhl, Gunther; Björkman, Ingmar; Hearn, Jeff2006 ISBN: 978 1 84542 128 1Scientific books (monographs)
Book (editor)Handbook of research in international human resource management
Stahl, Gunter K.; Björkman, Ingmar; Morris, Shad2012 ISBN: 9781849809184
Process research is back: a tribute to Jorma Larimo's contribution on FDI decision-making
Aalto-universitet: Tvärvetenskaplighet och samverkan
Personalledning i internationella organisationer: Aalto-universitets handelshögskola som exempel
Performance Management across Borders Handbook of International Human Resource Management
Emerging HRM systems of foreign firms operating in India The Changing Face of People Management in India
International Human Resource Management International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies
The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia Human Resource Management in Russia
International human resource management research and institutional theory
Case Nordea Markets Mergers and Acquisitions
International human resource management research: an introduction to the field
Gender in international human reource management Handbook of Research on International Human Resource Management
Handbook of research in international human resource management
Ingmar Björkman: "People management in multinational corporations"
Read about executive education
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