James Lockhart

Visiting Professor at University of Navarra/Visiting Professor at Fudan University



I’m a British subject and a Spanish permanent resident with Celtic Scottish ancestry and global wanderlust in my DNA. My ancestors lived in Ireland, Spain, Italy, Austria, Persia, China, America and other parts of the globe.

I’ve worked on leadership and organisational development in multi-national organisations for over 30 years.

Like Katie, I’m passionate about education and learning.

I hold a BA in Political Science, an MA in Comparative Politics and Policy Analysis, an MA in International Relations and was a post-graduate scholar at the London School of Economics.

I’ve been an EQUIS peer reviewer for the European quality accreditation of business schools world-wide for more than 25 years, and have a global network of business school academics.

My career started at The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House). I was also a lecturer on International Relations at the London School of Economics, a senior researcher for the Price Waterhouse Cranfield Project and a lecturer on International Business at Cranfield School of Management. I have been a visiting professor at ESADE business school in Spain.

Currently I have the good fortune to be a member of academic communities in two of my favourite countries – China and Spain! I am a visiting professor at Fudan University in Shanghai and a resident visiting scholar at the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona.

My career within financial services began with Morgan Stanley – where I met Katie. I actually took her job leading Management Development and the Learning and Development team in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) when she transferred to New York.

I moved from Morgan Stanley to Citigroup as Global Head of Organisational Effectiveness before moving to Barclays Capital as the Global Head of Leadership, Learning and Development.

My last role in the City of London was at Merrill Lynch as Head of Leadership and Development for EMEA, where under my direction, the Merrill Lynch team was rated one of the top three UK Learning and Development functions in the Sunday Times Top Places to Work.

Since then, I’ve run my own coaching and consulting practice, Lockhart Executive Development, in the UK and Spain - often working with Katie.

We support organisations through coaching leaders, both individually and with their teams, on areas such as strategy development and execution, team development and change.

We leverage our strong HR backgrounds, helping organisations to develop their HR practices, talent and performance management and leadership development programmes.

I have decades of experience in culture change and executive development, including coaching, and I am a qualified user of a wide range of psychometric and diagnostic instruments.

Like Katie, I’m a keen gardener and garden designer. I am studying garden design and recently set up an exterior design business, Lockhart Exterior Design Limited, as a hobby with aspiration.

I’m a daily gym enthusiast, love exploring other countries and cultures, cooking, social causes, my family and faith.

I’m also a keen mountain hiker and love hiking in China where, so far, I have explored the Huangshan and Huashan mountains and remote parts of the Great Wall, as well as trekking in Colombia, India, New Zealand, Spain and Switzerland. I have my sights set on some other great countries as well!

In 2019, I was fortunate to work as a volunteer for the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata and will carry on once we are able to travel more freely again.

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