Jason Shachat

Professor of Experimental Economics at Durham University



Prior to joining Durham in 2014, Jason held appointments at University of California – San Diego, National University of Singapore, Xiamen University, and was a research scientist at the IBM TJ Watson Research Lab. He received his B.S. in Mathematical Economics from Tulane University and his PhD. in Economics from the University of Arizona.

Jason researches in the areas of experimental economics, behavioural game theory, behavioural operations management, asset markets, and auctions. International academic journals such as Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, and others have published his papers.

He has successfully supervised numerous PhD and Master students with quality placement in academia, industry, and government. He is enthusiastic to collaborate with scholars from around the world who share his passion to use experiments, lab and field, to study human behaviour. For those young scholars with similar interests and desiring to undertake a PhD under his supervision, please feel free to contact him directly.

Jason joined Durham University as a Professor of Experimental Economics in 2014. Previously he was a faculty member at the University of California – San Diego, the National University of Singapore, and Xiamen University. He was also a technical staff member at the IBM TJ Watson Research Labs.


  • Degree: B.S Tulane University
  • Ph.D University of Arizona


  • Professor of Experimental Economics Durham University (2014)
  • Full Professor Xiamen University 2009 (2009 — 2014)
  • Associate Professor National University of Singapore (2003 — 2009)
  • Research Staff Member IBM TJ Watson Research Center (2001 — 2003)
  • Assistant Professor of Economics University of California (1996 — 2001)
  • Visiting Research Scientist Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (1998 — 1999)


  • Stata
  • Statistics
  • Economics


Research, Experimental Economics, Econometrics, Game Theory

Awarded Grants

  • 2017: Bilateral ESRC/FNR: Experimental assessment fo the societal impact of alogrithmic traders in asset markets(£318959.63 from ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics (INNOGEN))


Chapter in book

  • Shachat, J. & Wang, H. (2022). Are you experienced? How the time spacing of traders' market experience impacts bubble formation in experimental asset markets. In Handbook of Experimental Finance. Haruvy, E. & Fullbrunn, S. Edward Elgar.
  • Leland, J., Houser, D. & Shachat, J. (2005). Measuring trust and trustworthiness. In Trust and Entrepreneurship: A West-East Perspective. Höhmann, H.-H. & Welter, F. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 87-96.

Journal Article

  • Pan, Jinrui, Shachat, Jason & Wei, Sijia (2022). Cognitive stress and learning economic order quantity inventory management: An experimental investigation. Decision Analysis
  • Guo, Y., Shachat, J., Walker, M.J. & Wei, L. (2021). Viral social media videos can raise pro-social behaviours when an epidemic arises. Journal of the Economic Science Association
  • Shachat, J., Walker, M.J. & Wei, L. (2021). How the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic impacted pro-social behaviour and individual preferences: Experimental evidence from China. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations 190: 480-494.
  • Shachat, J. Walker, M.J. & Wei, L. (2021). The Impact of an Epidemic: Experimental Evidence on Preference Stability from Wuhan. Annual Proceedings of the American Economic Association 111: 302-306.
  • Heinrich, T. & Shachat, J. (2020). The development of risk aversion and prudence in Chinese children and adolescents. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 61(3): 263-287.
  • Gjerstad, S. & Shachat, J. (2021). Individual Rationality and Market Efficiency. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 25(4).
  • Pan,J., Shachat,J. & Wei,S. (2020). Cognitive reflection and economic order quantity inventory management: An experimental investigation. Managerial and Decision Economics 41(6): 998-1009.
  • Smyth, Russell, Gu, Jun, Mueller, Annika, Nielson, Ingrid & Shachat, Jason (2019). Improving intergroup relations through actual and imagined contact: Field experiments with Malawian shopkeepers and Chinese migrants. Economic Development and Cultural Change 68(1): 273-303.
  • Shachat, J. & Zhang, Z. (2017). The Hayek hypothesis and long run competitive equilibrium: an experimental investigation. Economic Journal 127(599): 199-228.
  • Nielsen, I., Gu, J., Shachat, J., Smyth, R. & Peng, Y. (2016). An experimental study of the effect of intergroup contact on attitudes in urban China. Urban Studies 53(14): 2991-3006.
  • Geng, S., Peng, Y., Shachat, J. & Zhong, H. (2015). Adolescents, Cognitive Ability, and Minimax Play. Economics Letters 128: 54-58.
  • Shachat, J., Swarthout, J. & Wei, L. (2015). A Hidden Markov Model for the Detection of Pure and Mixed Strategy Play in Games. Econometric Theory 31(04): 729-752.
  • Shachat, J. & Tan, L. (2015). An Experimental Investigation of Auctions and Bargaining in Procurement. Management Science 61(5): 1036-1051.
  • Noussair, C. N. & Shachat, J. (2014). Experiments on Learning, Methods and Voting. Pacific Economic Review 19(3): 255-259.
  • Shachat, J. & Swarthout, J.T. (2013). Auctioning the Right to Play Ultimatum Games and the Impact on Equilibrium Selection. Games 4(4): 738-753.
  • Zhang, Z., Chen, G. & Shachat, J. (2013). The Impact of Asymmetric and Public Information on Pricing Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets. Securities Market Herald 9: 54-61.
  • Shachat, J. & Swarthout, J.T. (2012). Learning about learning in games through experimental control of strategic interdependence. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36(3): 383-402.
  • Shachat, J. & Wei, L. (2012). Procuring Commodities: First-Price Sealed-Bid or English Auctions? Marketing Science 31(2): 317-333.
  • Shachat, J. & Swarthout, J.T. (2010). Procurement Auctions for Differentiated Goods. Decision Analysis 7(1): 6-22.
  • Shachat, J. & Westerling, A. (2006). Information aggregation in a catastrophe futures market. Managerial and Decision Economics 27(6): 477-495.
  • Shachat, J. & Swarthout, J.T. (2004). Do we detect and exploit mixed strategy play by opponents? Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 59(3): 359-373.
  • Shachat, J. & Walker, M. (2004). Unobserved heterogeneity and equilibrium: an experimental study of Bayesian and adaptive learning in normal form games. Journal of Economic Theory 114(2): 280-309.
  • Rosenthal, R.W., Shachat, J. & Walker, M. (2003). Hide and seek in Arizona. International Journal of Game Theory 32(2): 273-293.
  • Huang, H., Keser, C., Leland, J. & Shachat, J. (2003). Trust, the Internet, and the digital divide. IBM Systems Journal 42(3): 507-518.
  • Shachat, J. (2002). Mixed Strategy Play and the Minimax Hypothesis. Journal of Economic Theory 104(1): 189-226.
  • Wooders, J. & Shachat, J. (2001). On the Irrelevance of Risk Attitudes in Repeated Two-Outcome Games. Games and Economic Behavior 34(2): 342-363.
  • Cox, J.C., Shachat, J. & Walker, M. (2001). An Experiment to Evaluate Bayesian Learning of Nash Equilibrium Play. Games and Economic Behavior 34(1): 11-33.
  • Hoffman, E., Libecap, G. & Shachat, J. (1998). An Experimental Investigation of the Incentives to Form Agricultural Marketing Pools. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 42(2-3): 287-304.


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