Jennifer Hall

Assistant Professor of Psychology at Eckerd College / Community Lead Coach, Southern U.S. at Center for Creative Leadership


  • Center for Creative Leadership



Center for Creative Leadership

As a Board Certified Coach and licensed psychologist, Dr. Jen Hall provides executive coaching, leadership training and team-building services. Leveraging two decades of experience and a deep understanding of individual and organizational dynamics, she works with corporate leaders and business owners. Dr. Hall has worked with hundreds of executives.

Dr. Hall’s unique take on coaching differs from what many expect from traditional leadership coaching or life coaching. She focuses deeply on her clients’ mindsets: how they look at and frame their work, how they view other people, their strengths, their challenges.

Dr. Hall has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Connecticut. She spent almost 20 years as a coaching talent manager–selecting, developing and managing executive coaches–for the Center of Creative Leadership (CCL) and its network associate in Florida, the Leadership Development Institute (LDI) at Eckerd College. She is qualified and certified on numerous leadership assessments, including CCL’s suite of 360-degree assessments, numerous self-report instruments such as the MBTI, FIRO-B, EQi and WorkPlace Big Five Profile, as well as on the self-report and 360-degree versions of the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP).

As co-author of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP), Dr. Hall is particularly interested in helping individual leaders, corporate managers and prospective entrepreneurs understand their unique strengths in entrepreneurial thinking and behavior. The Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile™(EMP) is a cutting-edge assessment tool based on extensive research into the traits, motivations and skills of entrepreneurs. Available in multiple formats, the EMP can help individual contributors and leaders, entrepreneurs, and students of entrepreneurship assess the degree to which they are utilizing an entrepreneurial mindset.

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