Jennifer Hsiao

Vice President, APAC and SEA Talent Management and Business Operations at Bain & Company at Human Capital Leadership Institute


  • Human Capital Leadership Institute



Human Capital Leadership Institute

Jennifer Hsiao is Vice President, APAC and SEA Talent Management and Business Operations at Bain & Company, leading Bain’s talent strategy for 16 offices across Asia Pacific. She also leads talent operations for Bain’s five offices in Southeast Asia. In both capacities, she oversees leadership development, professional development, performance management, employer value proposition, employee engagement and retention, training, diversity, talent pipeline planning, new market expansion and other strategic talent initiatives.

She has more than 9 years of management consulting experience, advising executive teams of Fortune 500 companies on corporate strategy, new market expansion and large-scale transformation across Southeast Asia and the US.

Jennifer earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in Social Studies from Harvard University.

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