Jiré Gözen

Lecturer in intercultural communication and aesthetics



Prof. Dr. Jiré Emine Gözen teaches at the Faculty of Art and Design with a focus on media and cultural theory. Her focus lies in the areas of media culture studies, media aesthetics, cultural studies and visual culture. After working for several years at art institutions in Japan (Mori Art Museum, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Design Festa Gallery), her research is currently dedicated to discourses and speculations on future technologies, posthumanism and singularity; the construction of masculinity (with a particular focus on Playboy), visual culture of mimicry in popular culture, politics and science, and artistic practices of cultural memory (with a focus on biennials in Japan). Her monograph "Cyberpunk Science Fiction. Literary Fictions and Media Theory" was published by Transcript Verlag in 2012.X|No Situation Report “(2022), “ By Jake Angeli, Qanon and the Wild Guys. The game of mimicry ” (2021), “ Identity politics by other means. Whose freedom should be protected? ” (2021) and “ Trump’s Mimicry, The Aesthetic Subject as a Bearer of Political and Cultural Meaning ” (2020). The more recent lectures “The construction of the irreconcilable Other: The Islamic State, Social Media and Masculinity” (keynote) and “ Visions of the future in cyberpunk literature and their impact on the present: Neuralink's interface, the Matrix and Elon Musk ” took place in As part of the international conferences “Media Aesthetics of Occidentalism” and “Artificial Intelligence and the Human - Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction ”. In 2021, she was responsible for the conception and management of the “ Arrival - Without Words ” project at UE (funded by the Stifterverband and Klaus Tschira Foundation in cooperation with ZEIT Verlag).

She is an active member of the Antiracism Media Studies Forum and has been managing GAAAP_ The Blog of the Journal of Media Studies since 2022 . She has chaired the Society for Media Studies since September 2021 .

  • 2023 Representation of the Professorship of Digital and Audiovisual Media, University of Bayreuth
  • Since October 2021, 1st Chairwoman of the Society for Media Studies
  • 2019 – 2021 Conception and management of the “ Arrival. Without Words “, funded by the Stifterverband and the Klaus Tschira Foundation in cooperation with ZEIT Verlag, prize money for “One University – One Book”
  • 2019 - 2021 External supervision and co-management of the Critical Diversity project “ I see something that you don't see… ” at the Weissensee Art University Berlin
  • since 2019 professorship for media and cultural theory at the Hamburg campus, UE
  • Since 2014, founder, managing director and co-owner of the company Club Mate Meşrubat Dağıtım ve Pazarlama Ticaret Ltd., Istanbul/Turkey
  • 2012 - 2018 Lecturer and module manager “Interculturality” at the Berlin University of Media, Communication and Economics
  • 2010 - 2011 Mori Art Museum Tokyo/Japan; Curatorial Department
  • 2010 3331 Arts Chidoya Tokyo/Japan
  • 2009 DAAD scholarship holder in the “Language and Practice in Japan” program
  • 2008 Design Festa Gallery Tokyo/Japan
  • Since 2006, he has been a lecturer at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, the Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt, the International University of Bad Honnef, the Braunschweig University of Fine Arts, the University of Cologne, and the Evangelical University of Berlin
  • 2003 - 2004 Johann Wolfgang Goethe University; Collaboration at the Institute for Psychoanalysis

academic education

  • 2006 - 2009 Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in cooperation with Keio University Tokyo, Department of Media and Cultural Studies, doctorate on the topic “'The sky above the port was the color of television,...' Literary fictions and media theory” (summa cum laude)
  • 1999 - 2004 Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, studies theater, film and media studies with minors in German and psychoanalysis

Publications (excerpt)

  • Journal for media studies. Issue 26: » X | No situation report « (Edition on anti-racism and media studies together with Ömer Alkin & Nelly Pinkrah)
  • “Introduction to the focus.” In: Journal of Media Studies: X | No management report, 2022, issue 26, 10-23 together with Ömer Alkin & Nelly Y. Pinkrah)
  • “Empathy ||lessness” In: Journal of Media Studies: X | No management report, 2022, issue 26, 140-149
  • “ A further thought following Christine Goutrié’s “factography critical of racism and domination” ” In: Journal of Media Studies: X | No management report, 2022, issue 26, 37-40
  • “Human - Medium - Corona: On the coevolution of human self-designs”, 2022, together with Sebastian Sierra Barra) In: Krewani, Angela/ Zimmermann, Peter (eds.): “The virus in the network of media discourses. On the role of the media in the Corona crisis”, Wiesbaden: Springer
  • “The narratives that shape us: 'The Danger of a single story by Chimamanda Adichie”, (forthcoming), in: foundationClass – the book, Berlin: nGbK
  • “Identity politics by other means. Whose freedom should be protected?” (2021) In: From Politics and Contemporary History . Academic Freedom 46/2021
  • “From Jake Angeli, Qanon and the Wild Things. The game with mimicry” (2021) In: Pop magazine
  • “Trump’s mimicry. The aesthetic subject as a bearer of political and cultural meaning” (2021) In: Pop. Culture and criticism
  • “You, from whom I separate: The interplay with the (hidden) others.” (2020); In: Mayer, Katharina (ed.): “On the nature of concealment / a discourse”; Freiburg: Modo Verlag
  • “The Fractal Subject and the Hologram Rose: On Baudrillard and Cyberpunk as Media Theory” (2020) In: SFRA Review vol. 50 no, 4 (Journal of the Science Fiction Research Association). Symposium Issue
  • “The Images We Become: On Memory, Memory, and the Experience of Time” (2019); In: Leber, Christina (ed.): “Moving/Image. An exploration of film and photography”, Frankfurt: DZ Bank Publications
  • “Towards a Language of Photography” (2018); In: After the Film
  • “Diaries from and to Fukushima” (2016); In: Gebhartd, L. (ed.): “Nuclear narratives. Exploring the end times five years after Fukushima”; Berlin: EBV
  • “Dream City Tokyo – Fragment, Excerpt, Remnant” (2013); In: “Watashi no Tokyo – My Tokyo”; Stuttgart:Edition Esefeld & Traub
  • “Cyberpunk science fiction. Literary Fictions and Media Theory” (2012); Bielefeld: Transcript
  • "Tokyo no yoru" (The Nights of Tokyo); In: The Monthly Nihongo, Vol.9 2010, Tokyo: ADC Press

Projects and research

  • Imagined futures and discourse: How popular culture, literature, film, art and media shape our ideas about future technologies, artificial intelligence, neurochips and the singularity
  • Human-robot interaction in care. Investigation of intercultural differences in the use and acceptance of robot-assisted care between Japan and Germany
  • Construction of subversive masculinity and its mimicry (including with a focus on Playboy magazine)
  • Signs of Migration: On the Semiotics of Flight, Migration and Arrival in Graphic Novels
  • From local to global: The cultural and artistic practices of Biennales and Art Festivals in Japan as a strategy to carry on cultural memory.

Memberships and other activities

  • Member of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies
  • Member of the Society for Media Studies
  • Member of The Cyberpunk Culture Research Network
  • Expert assessor (liaison lecturer) at the Hans Böckler Foundation
  • Editorial member of the “Journal of Posthumanism”
  • Scientific advisor in the research project “Strangers in their own country? A study on the changeability of national narratives with the help of political laboratories”


  • 2011 Funding approval for the dissertation from VG-Wort
  • 2009-11 DAAD scholarship “Language and Practice in Japan”
  • 2006-09 doctoral scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation

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