John Cassidy

Lecturer / Assistant Professor of International Business at The UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School


  • The UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School



The UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School

Dr John Cassidy has a PhD in Economics with the Chinese economy as the main focus. He has written a book on Japanese Investment in China and published a number of papers / chapters / reports on topics such as Foreign Direct Investment, Multinational Strategies, and Gender & Entrepreneurship. His current research papers being finalised for publication are inter alia: US Mergers & Acquisitions in Ireland, Technology Adoption in Vietnam, Corruption and FDI in ASEAN Emerging Markets..He worked at Kobe University Japan upon completion of his PhD.

Since 2002 he has been a lecturer with University College Dublin, teaching a range of subjects such as International Business, Global Competitive Strategies, Globalisation, and Cross Cultural Management to both undergraduate, MSc and MBA students.

In 2004, he worked with the United Nations (UNCTAD) in Geneva on the World Investment Report and contribute to this on an annual basis. He has also collaborated on reports with the UNECE (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) and the ILO (International Labor office) Geneva. He has done consultancy projects with the Japan Trade Organisation, Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Exporters Association and European Union / An Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board).

He has lived in a number of countries but spent four years in Japan and 4 years in Italy, as well as Switzerland, China, USA and England. He is multilingual..As part of his international UCD work, he also lectures in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.


  • BA
    Maynooth University

  • MA
    University of Limerick

  • PhD
    University of Limerick


I would hope that I am an interesting, stimulating lecturer that encourages and motivates, and gets the best out of my students Innovation and Leadership I feel I am open to change, dynamic, turn negatives into positives, emphasising solutions rather than problems, and focused on providing students with an intellectually engaging academic subject with strong applied skill development.

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