John Mangan

Professor of Logistics at Newcastle University



John joined Newcastle University in 2008 as Professor of Marine Transport and Logistics. Since then, in addition to his teaching and research activities, he has also held various leadership roles and currently serves as both Deputy Director of Discipline for Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology and as Degree Programme Director for the MSc in Shipping and Logistics. His main area of interest is Global Logistics, how product moves around the world, and his textbook (Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 4th edition published by Wiley in 2021) has become one of the standard textbooks in the field. Before moving to Newcastle in 2008 John held the Peter Thompson Chair in Logistics at the University of Hull.

Prior to this he held academic posts at University College Dublin and at the Irish Management Institute. A native of Cork in Ireland, John first worked as a freight clerk with Aer Lingus, as an analyst with the Irish airports authority, as a graduate trainee in the Irish Civil Service (in both the Marine and Treasury departments), and then embarked upon an academic career. He has a doctorate in logistics from Cardiff University, masters degrees from both Cranfield and Lancaster Universities, and a bachelors degree in Science from University College Cork; in addition he has completed a Fulbright scholarship at Boston College and spent a sabbatical at the Centre for Transportation and Logistics at MIT. John is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT).

Areas of expertise

  • Marine Transport and Ports
  • Logistics
  • Supply Chain Management

Research Interests

  • Global logistics – changing structure of international trade flows; maritime logistics and containerisation; network design and connectivity; ports.
  • Supply chain management - impact of technology; measurement of environmental impact.
  • I also have a keen research interest in both management skills development, and in research philosophy and methodological triangulation, with highly cited papers on both topics.

Recent Research Grants

  • Innovate UK Clean Maritime Demonstrator (2023): Clean Tyne Green Shipping Corridor
  • EPSRC Network Plus (2018-2023): Decarbonising UK Freight Transport.
  • Innovate UK Clean Maritime Demonstrator (2022): Clean Tyne Port Decarbonisation
  • The Research Council of Norway (2019): SeaConAZ

Postgraduate Supervision

  • As per the above Research Interests.
  • To date I have supervised or examined 40 PhDs.

Esteem Indicators

  • Lead author on the best-selling textbook Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (4th edition published by Wiley in 2021).
  • Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT).
  • Visiting Professor at Trinity College Dublin.
  • Expert Evaluator for the EU H2020 Transport Programme.
  • Completed (2017, 2019, 2019) three evidence reviews for the UK Government Office of Science Foresight Programme.
  • Vice-Chair (2006/2007) of the High Level Expert Panel reviewing the EU’s COST programme (European Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Research).
  • Chaired, at the request of Ireland’s Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, the Task Force on Transport Logistics in Relation to Ports (2002).

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