John Shehata

Visiting Professor at H-FARM College/Academic Fellow at SDA Bocconi School of Management


  • SDA Bocconi School of Management



SDA Bocconi School of Management

John is a Legal Partner at PwC TLS, expert of corporate law, both domestic and cross border, he is the Head of the Legal International Hub and the Legal Head of the Healthcare & Lifesciences Team and manages the course Innovation, Digital Technologies & Law at H-FARM College.

Born in Venice in 1981, he graduated in Law at Bocconi University, he holds the Master of Science in International Healthcare Management, Economics, and Policies – MIHMEP at SDA Bocconi School of Management, and has a PhD in Economics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome. Today he is a professional faculty member of the MBA and the Master in Corporate Finance at SDA Bocconi School of Management, as well as a lecturer for the Master in Management of Healthcare Organisations and Health Sector at the University of Milan.

He has collaborated with leading national and international law firms, in particular he has been part of the Africa Team and Dubai based local partner for several years. He has recently published the book "Startup Finance. Financial instruments, valuation methods, legal aspects", a practical manual dedicated to the management of start-up financing.


  • Laurea L in Giurisprudenza Università Bocconi (2001 — 2006)
  • Undergraduate University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business (2002 — 2002)
  • Diploma Lic. Sc. St. Giordano Bruno (1995 — 2000)


  • Proprietà intellettuale
  • Diritto internazionale
  • Ristrutturazione


Ricerca, Diritto societario, Finanza d'impresa, Mergers & Acquisitions, Contenziosi commerciali, Microsoft Office, Governo d'impresa, Business Planning, Finanza, Legal Writing, Trattative, Lingua inglese, Strategy, Banking Law, Strategia d'impresa, Private Equity, Due diligence, Fusioni e acquisizioni, Strategia, Contenziosi, Corporate Governance, Joint Ventures, Business plan, International Relations, Litigation, Healthcare Management, Global Health, Ricerca legale, Affari internazionali, Relazioni internazionali, Joint venture, Scrittura legale, International Business, Commercial Litigation

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