Joni Seager

Professor of Global Studies at Bentley University


  • Bentley University



Bentley University

Joni Seager is a feminist geographer and Professor of Global Studies at Bentley University in Boston. She has achieved international acclaim for her work in feminist environmental policy analysis, the environmental costs of militaries and militarism, and gender and climate change.

Seager is the author of many books, including five editions of the award-winning feminist classic The Women’s Atlas, two editions of The State of the Environment Atlas, and Earth Follies: Coming to Feminist Terms With the Global Environmental Crisis.

She has been an active consultant with the United Nations on several gender and environmental policy projects, including consulting with the United Nations Environmental Programme on integrating gender perspectives into their work on disasters and early warning systems, and with UNESCO and the Division on Economic and Social Affairs on gender in water policy.


  • Ph.D. Clark University
  • MA Clark University
  • BA Hons. University of Toronto

Teaching Interests

  • International Development;
  • Environmental Policy;
  • Global Regions;
  • Global Political Economy;
  • Feminist Ecology;
  • Gender & International Development

Research Interests

  • International Environmental Policy;
  • Illegal wildlife trafficking;
  • Global Status of Women;
  • Climate Change;
  • Global Political Economy;
  • Gender and Environment;
  • Militarism & Environment

Consulting/Practice Interests

  • Gender & Environment;
  • Wildlife conservation and illegal trafficking
  • International Environmental Policy Formation;
  • Global Water & Sanitation Issues;
  • Gender equity measurement;
  • Gender audits.

Awards and Honors

  • 2017, Excellence in Scholarship Award 2017, Bentley University
  • 2017, Maurice E. Goldman Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences, Bentley University
  • 2009, Co-PI, National Science Foundation (#6743000), S-STEM Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, $600,000, Hunter College, 2009 - 2011
  • 2007, Co-PI. Canadian International Development Agency, Canada Corps University Partnership Program. "Sustaining Water in Mongolia: A Human Security Approach," partnering with the National University of Mongolia. $190,000. 2006 - 2007.
  • 2006, Companion to Feminist Geography. Honoree Selection for Best Publication, Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group of the AAG, 2006.
  • 2005, Media Achievement Award," Association of American Geographers, 2005.
  • 2003, University Scholar, University of Vermont.
  • 2001, Rockefeller Humanities Fellow, "Gender & The Environment" program at the Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon


Journal Articles

  • Seager, J. (2020). Thematic White Paper: Gender Balance in the Ranger Workforce.. . Forthcoming.
  • Seager, J. (2020). Gender Equality and Environmental Sustainability in the Age of Crisis. The United Nations.
  • Seager, J. (2019). Waste, gender and climate change mitigation. Gender & Development.
  • Gupta, J., Seager, J. (2019). Re imagining the driver–pressure–state–impact–response framework from an equity and inclusive development perspective. Sustainability Science.
  • Seager, J. (2017). Gender and Sanitation Issues. Michigan State University.
  • Seager, J. (2017). Radical Observation: Carson at Sea. Women's Studies Quarterly.
  • Seager, J. (2011). Gender and Environment: Critical Tradition and New Challenges. Environment & Planning D, .
  • Seager, J. (2010). Gender and Water in Mongolia. Professional Geographer, (62) 1
  • Seager, J. (2009). Death By Degrees: Taking a Feminist Hard Look at the 2 Degrees Climate Policy. Kvinder, Kon & Forskning (Denmark) -- Women, Gender & Research, (18) 3 - 4 11 - 22.
  • Seager, J. (2009). Gender and water: good rhetoric but it doesn't 'count'. Geoforum, (40)
  • Seager, J. (2006). Gender and Disasters. Social Policy, (36) 2
  • Seager, J., O'Brien, K., Barnett, J., Matthew, R. (2005). Hurricane Katrina Reveals Challenges to Human Security. AVISO: Information Bulletin on Global Environmental Change and Human Security, (14)
  • Seager, J. (2003). Pepperoni or broccoli? On the cutting wedge of feminist environmentalism. Gender Place & Culture, (10) 2
  • Seager, J. (2003). Rachel Carson died of breast cancer: Feminist environmentalism comes of age. SIGNS, (28) 3
  • Seager, J. (1983). No Innate Phases in Group Problem-Solving. Academy of Management Review, (8) 4 7 - 17.


  • Seager, J. (2022). Korean edition Women's Atlas.
  • Seager, J. (2018). The Women's Atlas. Pengui/Random House; Sydney: New South Publishing; Madrid: Grupo Editions; Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.
  • Seager, J. (2016). Global Gender & Environment Outlook: Critical Issues for Policymakers. UN Environment Programme
  • Seager, J. (2016). Gender Global Environmental Outlook. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme
  • Seager, J. (2014). Carson's Silent Spring. 232. Bloomsbury
  • Seager, J., Enloe, C. (2011). The Real State of America Atlas. Penguin
  • Seager, J., Robinson, K., van der Schaaf, C., Gabizon, S. (2009). Gender-Disaggregated Global Data on Water & Sanitation. 28. New York: United Nations/ DESA
  • Seager, J. (2009). The state of gender-disaggregated data in water and sanitation: Overview and assessment of major sources. 40. New York: United Nations
  • Seager, J. (2009). The State of Women in the World Atlas (4th Ed). 128. New York: Penguin
  • Seager, J. (2005). Gender, Poverty & the Environment. New York & Nairobi: United Nations/ UNEP
  • Seager, J., Hartmann, B. (2005). Mainstreaming Gender in Environmental Assessment and Early Warning. 82. New York: United Nations (Link)
  • Seager, J., Nelson, L. (2005). A Companion to Feminist Geography. 614. London & New York: Blackwell
  • Seager, J., Domosh, M. (2001). Putting Women in Place: Feminist Geographers Make Sense of the World. 216. New York: Guilford Press
  • Seager, J. (1993). Earth Follies: Coming to Feminist Terms With the Global Environmental Crisis. 310. London/ New York: Earthscan/ Routledge

Book Chapters

  • Seager, J. (2019). Cross-Cutting Environmental Issues In , (Eds.) Global Environmental Outlook 6. UNEP/ Oxford U Press
  • Seager, J. (2019). New visions for nature and nature’s contributions to people for the 21st century In , (Eds.) New visions for nature and nature’s contributions to people for the 21st century. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES
  • Seager, J. (2019). The State of Environmental Data and Knowledge In , (Eds.) Global Environmental Outlook-6.. Un Environment Programme/ Oxford U Press
  • Seager, J. (2017). Rachel was right: feminist environmentalism prefigured in Silent Spring In , (Eds.) The International Handbook of Gender and Environment . Taylor & Francis
  • , I., Seager, J. (2017). Gendered dimensions of sources, fate and effects of microplastics in the marine environment – a global assessment. In , (Eds.) Sources, fate and effects of microplastics in the marine environment – a global assessment.. International International Maritime Organization
  • Seager, J. (2016). Gender and environment. In , (Eds.) Feminist Futures: 3rd Edition. Chicago USA: University of Chicago Press/ Zed Books
  • Seager, J. (2014). Disasters are gendered: What’s new? In Zinta Zommers & Ashbindu Singh, (Eds.) Reducing Disaster: Early Warning Systems for Climate Change. New York: Springer
  • Seager, J. (2012). Noticing Gender or Not In , (Eds.) Women of Katrina. Vanderbilt U Press
  • Seager, J. (). Death by Degrees: Taking a Feminist Hard Look at the 2 degree Climate Policy In Susan Buckingham, (Eds.) Gendering Climate Change. NY: Routledge


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