Jordi Pià-Comella

Associate Professor at Sorbonne-Nouvelle University



Research topics

  • History of ideas (Greek and Roman philosophy)
  • Literary genres (especially satire, diatribe and letter)
  • The receptions of Antiquity
  • Ancient culture, contemporary world


  • Doctorat Université Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV) / Sorbonne University (2006 — 2011)


  • Maître de conférences (Associate Professor) université paris sorbonne nouvelle (2012)
  • Visiting Scholar Classics Department University St Andrews (2019 — 2019)
  • Visiting Scholar University of St Andrews (2019 — 2019)
  • Visiting Faculty HEC Paris (2018 — 2018)
  • Professeur agrégé dans le secondaire Ministère Education Nationale (2005 — 2012)
  • A.T.E.R. université paris sorbonne nouvelle (2009 — 2010)
  • Enseignant Moniteur École pratique des hautes études (2008 — 2009)

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