Joseph Farrell
Affiliated Professor at Haas School of Business
- Haas School of Business
Haas School of Business
PhD, Economics, Oxford University
MSc, Mathematics, Oxford University
BA, Mathematics, Oxford University
Positions Held
At Haas since 1994
1994 – present, Affiliated Professor, Haas School of Business
1994 – present, Chair of the Competition Policy Center
1991 – present, Professor of Economics, UC Berkeley
2000 – 2001, Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Chief Economist, Antitrust Division, US Department of Justice
1996 – 1997, Chief Economist, Federal Communications Commission
1989 – 1991, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley
1988 – 1989, National Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
1986 – 1988, Visiting Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley
1985 – 1986, Principal Member, Technical Staff, GTE Laboratories
1984 – 1985, Senior Member, Technical Staff, GTE Laboratories
1983, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego
1980 – 1984, Assistant Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1979 – 1980, Instructor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1978, Visitor, Bell Laboratories
External Service and Assignments
- Fellow, Econometric Society - Board Member, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Academy of Sciences
Current Research and Interests
- “Financial Reporting and Capital Market Efficiency.” - “Accounting Information for Internal Control and Managerial Compensation.” - “Modularity, Vertical Integration, and Open Access Policies: Towards a Convergence of Antitrust and Regulation in the Internet Age,” with Philip Weiser. revised 2003; Harvard Journal on Law and Technology (2004). - “Market Structure, Organizational Structure, and R&D Diversity,” with Richard Gilbert and Michael L. Katz. Arnott et al., editors, Economics for an Imperfect World: Essays in Honor of Joseph Stiglitz, MIT Press, 2003. - “Negotiation and Merger Remedies: Some Problems.” F. Leveque and H. Shelanski, editors, Merger Remedies in Competition Policy, 2003. - “The American Airlines Case: A Chance to Clarify Predation Policy,” with Aaron Edlin, J. Kwoka and L. White, editors. The Antitrust Revolution, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, 2003. - “Integration and Independent Innovation on a Network.” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings (May 2003). - “Renegotiation in the Repeated Amnesty Dilemma, with Economic Applications,” with Georg Weizsäcker. Business Applications of Game Theory, K. Chatterjee and W. Samuelson, Kluwer, editors, 2001. - “Coordination and Lock-In: Competition with Switching Costs and Network Effects.” M. Armstrong and R. Porter, eds., Handbook of Industrial Organization, vol. 3, with Paul Klemperer (draft 2001).
Honors and Awards
- 2001-2002 Gordon Cain Senior Fellow, SIEPR - 1998-2000 Sloan Foundation/NBER grant (with S. Borenstein), “Why Do Firms Cut Costs?” - 1990-1991 Hewlett Fund grant, Institute of International Studies, Berkeley - 1989-1991 Co-Principal Investigator (with C. Shapiro), NSF grant, “The Evolution of Network Industries” - 1988-1989 National Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University - “Highly Cited Researcher,” Economics/Business, ISI
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