Kanetaka Maki

Associate Professor at Waseda Business School


  • Waseda Business School



Waseda Business School

Prof. Kanetaka Maki received his Ph.D. in Management from the University of California San Diego. He received Master of Media and Governance and B.A. in Environmental Information, both from Keio University.

Prof. Maki’s research interests involve fields of socio-economics of innovation & entrepreneurship, science policy, and university-industry technology transfer. He has three streams of research contribution: (1) the institutional design of entrepreneurship at research universities; (2) methods to improve startup success rates; and (3) quantitative research of innovation systems, particularly comparing the US and Japan.

Prior to joining WBS, Prof. Maki worked at GRIPS, Stanford University, University of California, San Diego and Keio University. In both the U.S. and Japan, he has been actively involved in designing and implementing the innovation system around university. Particularly in Japan, he is a committee member at national and local governments to create effective innovation policy.

Research Areas

Socio-Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, Science Policy, UniversityIndustry Technology Transfer


  • 2010-2015 Ph.D. in Management, University of California San Diego
  • 2000-2002 Master of Media and Governance, Keio University (Major: Information Technology)
  • 1996-2000 B.A. in Environmental Information, Keio University (Major: Information Technology)

Courses in Charge

  • Technology, Operations and Management
  • Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship


Prof. Maki also serves as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Rady School of Management, University of California San Diego.

Academic Experience

  • 2017 - Current Associate Professor, Waseda Business School
  • 2016 - Current Visiting Assistant/Associate Professor, Rady School of Management, University of California
  • San Diego
  • 2016 - 2017 Assistant Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
  • 2015 - 2016 Research Associate, Japan Program, Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center,
  • Stanford University
  • 2015 - Current International Affiliated Fellow, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (Japan)
  • 2015 Research Assistant, Rady School of Management, University of California, San Diego
  • 2014 - 2015 Lecturer, Rady School of Management, University of California, San Diego
  • 2013 - 2014 Research Assistant, Division of Innovation and Industry Alliance, University of California,
  • San Diego
  • 2010 - 2015 Visiting Senior Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC
  • 2002 - 2008 Research Associate, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Krishnan, V., Maki, KM., Castillo, EM. and Guss, DA., ” Service Design for Improved Satisfaction: Decoding the Mechanism for Impact of Patient Call Back in Emergency Healthcare”, Service Science Vol. 7 Issue 4, 2015
  • Maki, K., Miyachi, E. and Kabasawa, S., “Study on How to Use Alumni Network as Mentor Platform in Entrepreneurial and Incubation Process for University Start-ups with Technology Seeds”, The Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers Vol. 65 No.3, 20, 2011 (in Japanese)
  • Maki, K., Miyachi E. and Kabasawa, S., “Study on Designing Business Incubation Platform of Creating Network Closure and Structural Holes for Regional Innovation System –Based on Case Study of EGG JAPAN-“, Journal of the Infosocionomics Society Vol. 5 No.1, 2010 (in Japanese)
  • Maki, K. and Yamanaka, Y., “Research on Designing Support Network for University Incubation Based on Categorizing University-Spinoffs”, Japan Ventures Review No.12, Mar. 2008 (in Japanese, Research Note)
  • Maki, K., “Research on Characteristics of Global and Local Network for Incubation Platform”, Japan Ventures Review No.9, Sep. 2006 (in Japanese, Research Note)
  • Maki, K., “Research on Incubation Method Using Business Plan Competition as Platform”, Japan Ventures Review, Mar. 2006 (in Japanese, Research Note) –
  • Maki K., “Research on Distanced Board Meeting Using Network for Venture Management”, GLOCOM Review, Sep. 2003 (in Japanese)
  • Maki, K., Arai, M., Kondo, Y., Suzuki, T. and Yamane, T., “Tutorial for ThinkQuest’98 Participants”, Journal of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education Vol.15 No.4, Jan. 1999 (in Japanese)


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