Karen Dianne Turner

Senior Lecturer at University of Miami Business School


  • University of Miami Business School



University of Miami Business School

Karen is Director of the Centre for Energy Policy at the University of Strathclyde. She has previously held academic posts at in the Economics Departments at Heriot-Watt, Stirling and Strathclyde Universities. Karen was one of six ESRC Climate Change Leadership Fellows and her main research interests lie in considering and modelling the economy-wide and macroeconomic impacts of energy policy and industry developments. The main focuses of her current work is considering the wider economic and societal value proposition for a range of low carbon energy solutions, including energy efficiency, electric vehicles, industrial decarbonisation and CCUS, through projects funded by UKRI and various government and industry bodies. Karen is currently a member of the Scottish Just Transition Commission, was member of the committee delivering the Royal Society of Edinburgh’s inquiry on Scotland’s Energy Future and is leading a cross-cutting sub-group of a new Royal Society (London) study on the long term role of energy storage.

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