Kathleen King

Professor of Higher Education and Educational Leadership



Dr. King is professor of Adult Education and HRD and coordinator of the MS in Adult Education and HRD program in the Division of Curriculum and Teaching. She has been involved in adult education since 1978. Before she joined the Fordham faculty in 1997, she taught many subject areas including, but not limited to research design, instructional technology, chemistry, biology, engineering, computer applications, and psychology, across grade levels and contexts. She has worked with pre K- 12 and adult students in schools, universities, government agencies, corporations and international settings.

Dr. King founded and continues to co-edit the journal Perspectives: The New York Journal of Adult Learning, published in partnership among Fordham's adult education degree program and the state association of adult education (NYACCE). She has earned over $12 million in grants for Fordham university since 1997 and is author of 11 books and numerous articles and research papers. Dr. King frequently is sought out to keynote and present at research and faculty development conferences around the world.

Evidenced by her several awards for research, publication, and service, Dr. King is a specialist in adult learning and integrating technology in innovative ways to improve teaching and learning. Her grant funded projects have enabled her to oversee programs to reach over 4,000 educators locally and her distance learning efforts, both formal and informal (podcasting) have served over 4 million people around the world in just the last 4 years alone. Her research and teaching focus is decidedly learner-centered, collaborative and focused on mentoring learners further in their education and training professions.

Current Interests and Research

Dr. King always has several strands of research in process. Usually you will find her involved in transformative learning, distance learning, instructional technology and faculty development research. She greatly invests in helping her students explore teaching, writing and research opportunities. Many times she invites them to co-publish or co-present with her at conferences.

Characteristic of her approach to learning, this professor creates new models of teaching, program development and technology innovations. Building upon her passion for excellence in classroom teaching, she has also led the university's research and continuing efforts in building distance learning offerings (since 2000). Since 2007, she has taught several courses each semester online. These courses are dynamic learner experiences including much student dialogue, and multiple forms of media to develop and present the learning experience. Dr. King's online courses include not only text, but also audio, video, online activities, group activities, and peer-learning.

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