Kirsi Eräranta
Assistant Professor , Organizational Communication at Aalto University School of Business
Aalto University School of Business
My research focuses on the politics of business–society relations, and its complex implications for contemporary organizations and their stakeholders. I am a sociologically oriented organizational communication scholar, whose research agenda is theoretically positioned at the interface of organizational discourse and critical management and organization studies, with a specific focus on gender and intersectionality in organizations. In my research, I develop and deploy discursive theoretical and methodological perspectives to explore and examine a range of contemporary social issues and organizational phenomena, in order to advance knowledge of the relationships between business, government and society and, in particular, how these relationships change over time. During the autumn semester 2017, I am a Visiting Researcher at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands.
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
Journal article-refereed, Original research
Mechanisms of biopower and neoliberal governmentality in precarious work: Mobilizing the dependent self-employed as independent business owners Moisander, Johanna; Groß, Claudia; Eräranta, Kirsi in HUMAN RELATIONS (SAGE Publications Ltd) ISSN: 0018-7267
Mapping the Pig Tale Journey A multidisciplinary design framework for cultural mapping in an old abattoir Eräranta, Kirsi; Leino, Tomi; Seppälä, Tuuli; Vina , Sandra; Timonen, Eija in CITY, CULTURE AND SOCIETY (Elsevier Limited) ISSN: 1877-9166
The Europeanization of Nordic Gender Equality A Foucauldian Analysis of Reconciling Work and Family in Finland Eräranta, Kirsi; Kantola, Johanna in GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Wiley-Blackwell) ISSN: 0968-6673
A new social risk?: Social-scientific knowledge and work-life balance in twentieth-century Finland Eräranta, Kirsi in SOCIAL SCIENCE HISTORY (Duke University Press) ISSN: 0145-5532
Psychological regimes of truth and father identity: challenges for work/life integration Eräranta, Kirsi; Moisander, Johanna in ORGANIZATION STUDIES (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD) ISSN: 0170-8406
Construction of consumer choice in the market: challengesfor environmental policy Moisander, J.; Markkula, A.; Eräranta, K. in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES (Blackwell Science) ISSN: 1470-6423
Narratives of Self and Relatedness in Eco-communes.Resistance against normalized individualization and the nuclear family Eräranta, K.; Moisander, J.; Pesonen, S. in EUROPEAN SOCIETIES (Routledge) ISSN: 1461-6696
Book section, Chapters in research books
Miten kuluttajaa hallitaan markkinoilla ympäristöpoliittisena toimijana? Eräranta, Kirsi; Moisander, Johanna ISBN: 951-662-969-5
Markkinoinnin tutkimuksen maailmankuva ja tiedon tuotannon käytännöt Moisander, Johanna; Eräranta, Kirsi ISBN: 951-662-974-1
Non-refereed scientific articles Unrefereed journal articles
Introduction Theorising gender and gendering theory in marketing and consumer research Arsel, Zeynep; Eräranta, Kirsi; Moisander, Johanna in JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT (Taylor and Francis Ltd.) ISSN: 0267-257X
Aktiivista hyvinvointipolitiikkaa EU:n ja OECD:n tuella. Miten työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisesta tuli työpaikkatason kysymys? Lectio praecursoria Eräranta, Kirsi in TYÖELÄMÄN TUTKIMUS (Taylor and Francis Ltd.) ISSN: 0788-091X
Scientific books (monographs)
Book (editor)
Gendering Theory in Marketing and Consumer Research Arsel, Zeynep; Eräranta, Kirsi; Moisander, Johanna ISBN: 9781138237087
Theorising gender and gendering theory in marketing and consumer research Arsel, Zeynep; Eräranta, Kirsi; Moisander, Johanna in JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT (Taylor and Francis Ltd.) ISSN: 0267-257X
Feministisiä näkökulmia talouteen Elomäki, Anna; Eräranta, Kirsi in Sukupuolentutkimus-Genusforskning (Sukupuolentutkimuksen seura) ISSN: 2342-0634
Publications intended for professional communities
Published development or research report
HIDE Helsinki-identiteettejä Elokuvakerronta kaupunginosien suunnittelutyökaluna Huovinen, Annamari; Timonen, Eija; Leino, Tomi; Seppälä, Tuuli; Eräranta, Kirsi; Vina Flores, Sandra in Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja TAIDE + MUOTOILU + ARKKITEHTUURI (Aalto Yliopisto) ISBN: 978-952-60-6697-4 ISSN: 1799-4837
Manifestations of Neoliberal Governmentality in Contemporary Work and Employment Relations. Moisander, Johanna; Groß, Claudia; Eräranta, Kirsi in Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings (Academy of Management) ISSN: 0065-0668
Morality of Tax Avoidance as a Question of Sociopolitical Legitimacy and CSR Eräranta, Kirsi; Moisander, Johanna; Penttilä, Visa in Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings (Academy of Management) ISSN: 0065-0668
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