Lanny Martin

Professor of Political Science at SDA Bocconi School of Management


  • SDA Bocconi School of Management



SDA Bocconi School of Management

I am a Professor of Political Science at Bocconi University, in Milan, Italy. I am also a research fellow in the Politics and Institutions unit of the Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy. My research focuses on comparative political institutions, legislative politics, political economy, and coalition government. I teach courses on democratic representation, European politics, parties and elections, and executives and legislatures.


  • University of Rochester - Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Comparative Politics, Statistical Methods 1992 - 2000
  • University of Rochester - Bachelor's Degree, Political Science and Government

Latest publications

MARTIN L., VANBERG G. What You See Is Not Always What You Get: Bargaining before an Audience under Multiparty Government American Political Science Review, 2020, vol.114, no. 4, pp.1138-1154

MARTIN L., VANBERG G. Coalition Government, Legislative Institutions, and Public Policy in Parliamentary Democracies American Journal of Political Science, 2020, vol.64, no. 2, pp.325-340

MARTIN L., VANBERG G. Models of coalition politics: recent developments and new directions in The Sage Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations L. Curini, R. Franzese (Eds),SAGE Publications, chap. 14, pp.244-260, 2020

MARTIN L., FORTUNATO D., VANBERG G. Committee Chairs and Legislative Review in Parliamentary Democracies British Journal of Political Science, 2019, vol.49, no. 2, pp.785-797

CHIBA D., MARTIN L., STEVENSON R. T. A Copula Approach to the Problem of Selection Bias in Models of Government Survival Political Analysis, 2015, vol.23, no. 1, pp.42-58

MARTIN L., VANBERG G. Coalition formation and policymaking in parliamentary democracies in Routledge Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions Jennifer Gandhi, Rubén Ruiz-Rufino (Eds),Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, chap. 13, pp.181-194, 2015


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