Lars Augestad Lochstoer

Associate Professor of Finance at UCLA Anderson School of Management at UCLA Anderson School of Management


  • UCLA Anderson School of Management



UCLA Anderson School of Management


Lars A. Lochstoer is an Associate Professor of Finance at UCLA Anderson School of Management who currently teaches Empirical Methods in Finance and Data Analytics in the Masters of Financial Engineering program. His research centers on understanding the economic mechanisms that drive asset prices, including the dynamic behavior of stock market returns, the cross-section of stock returns, exchange rates, and commodity markets. He has published in top tier economics and business journals such as the American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, and Management Science. Lars started out as a quantitative analyst in Carnegie Asset Management, before getting his PhD in Finance from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley in 2005, and he currently serves on an advisory committee for a large government pension fund. Before joining the UCLA Anderson School of Management in 2016, he held assistant and associate professorships at London Business School and Columbia University. Lars has served as an Associate Editor of the Review of Financial Studies and is currently an Associate Editor of the Review of Finance.


  • Ph.D. Finance, 2005, University of California, Berkeley
  • Sivilingeniør Business Economics, 1999, Norwegian University of Science and Technology


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