Lena-Maria Möller

Visiting Professor of Islamic Law at University of Münster



Lena-Maria Möller holds an M.A. in Middle East Studies and a Ph.D. in Law (both from the University of Hamburg). Her dissertation on the codification of family law in the Gulf monarchies Bahrain, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates was honoured with the Doctoral Prize of the Faculty of Law at the University of Hamburg and the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society.

From 2010 to 2013, Lena-Maria Möller was a research associate and from 2014 to 2019 a senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. During this time she was also a member of the research initiative "The Gulf Family" at the Center for International and Regional Studies, Georgetown University Qatar. From 2019 to 2021, Lena-Maria Möller was Acting Professor of Islamic Law at the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Leipzig where, in collaboration with Hanan Badr (Freie Universität Berlin & Gulf University of Science and Technology, Kuwait), she carried out a research project (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) on representations of law and justice in Middle Eastern popular culture.

Lena-Maria Möller is Associate Editor of the Arab Law Quarterly (Brill), member and former Co-President of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and member of the board of trustees of the Association for Arabic and Islamic Law.

Currently, Lena-Maria Möller is Visiting Professor of Islamic Law at the University of Münster’s Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies.

Main Fields of Research

Contemporary Islamic and Middle Eastern law; Muslim family law; private international law; comparative law; law and popular culture in the Middle East


  • Visiting Professor of Islamic Law University of Münster (2022)
  • Adjunct Lecturer Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (2022)
  • Research Affiliate Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (2019)
  • Associate Editor Arab Law Quarterly (2019)
  • Visiting Scholar New York University Abu Dhabi (2021 — 2021)
  • Acting Professor of Islamic Law Universität Leipzig (2019 — 2021)
  • Senior Research Fellow Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (2014 — 2019)
  • Adjunct Professor University of Augsburg (2014 — 2018)
  • Acting Junior Professor of Islamic Studies Universität Hamburg (2013 — 2014)

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