Lihua Chen

Management Science and Information System Professor at Guanghua School of Management


  • Guanghua School of Management



Guanghua School of Management

Lihua Chen is a Professor, Doctoral tutor, and the head of the department of Management Science and Information Systems at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. She is Director of Peking University's Research Center for circulation economy and management, Vice President at the Development Strategy Research Institute of the National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, and director at the Peking University Research Center for Supply Chain Management.

Education Background

  • 1998 City University of Hong Kong Management Science/Operations Research/Optimizatio
  • 1988 Jilin University of Technology Management Science/Operations Research
  • 1983 Jilin University of Technology Management Science

Career Experience


Professor in Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Head of the department of Management Science and Information Systems at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Vice chair, Department of Management Science & Information System Director of The Distribution Economics and Management Research Center of Peking University Associate Dean of National Institute of Science and Industrial Parks, Peking University. and director at the Peking University Research Center for Supply Chain Management. Associate Director of Research Center in Venture Capital, Peking University.


Associate Professor in Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Associate Dean of National Institute of Science and Industrial Parks, Peking University Associate Director of Research Center in Venture Capital, Peking University.


Postdoc fellow in Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Research assistant on operations research and operations management in the department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong


Associate Professor in the department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Beijing University of Science and Technology, China


Teaching assistant in the department of Applied Mathematics of JUT

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