Lin Zheng

Clinical Associate Professor of Accounting at Kelley School of Business


  • Kelley School of Business



Kelley School of Business

Areas of Expertise

Financial Reporting and Disclosure, International Accounting, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, University of Alabama, 2003
  • Master of Accoutancy, University of Alabama, 2001
  • Bachelor of Economics, Xiamen University, 1997

Professional Experience

  • 2016, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Indiana
  • 1998-1999 Pan-China CPA Firm, Xiamen, P. R. China, Auditor
  • 1997-1998 Noell China Ltd, Zhangzhou, P. R. China, Financial Analyst

Awards, Honors & Certificates

  • McGraw-Hill/Irwin Distinguished Paper Award, the 2008 MBAA International Conference, April 2008
  • Best Paper Award, the 1st Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Symposium, Hong Kong, January 2006

Selected Publications

  • Zheng, L., N. Balsara, and H. Huang (2014), "Regulatory Pressure, Blockholders, and Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Disclosures in China," Social Responsibility Journal 10 (2).
  • Balsara, N., G. Chen, and L. Zheng (2007), "The Chinese Stock Market: an Examination of the Random Walk Model and Technical Trading Rules," Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 46 (3): 43-63.
  • Chen, F., I. Weiss, and L. Zheng (2007), "The Predictive Role of Analyst Coverage Intensity: Evidence from Cross-Listing in the U.S.," Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 3 (1): 34-57.

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