Lluís Torrens Mèlich



Economist and Master in Economic Analysis. Director of Social Innovation of the Area of Social Rights; Global Justice, Feminisms and LGTBI of the Barcelona City Council. He is an associate lecturer at several universities. He is specialist in applied economics, and has published several studies on the Spanish and Catalan economy. In 2005 he was awarded the X Prize Catalunya by the Catalan Society of Economics.

Previously he has been Director of Services of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya 2005-2006; Director of Services of the Department of Homeland, Institutional Relations and Participation of the Generalitat de Catalunya 2006-2011 and Manager of the Public-Private Sector Research Center of IESE 2011-2015.


  • PDG IESE Business School - University of Navarra (1997 — 1998)
  • Magister UAB-IAE (1989 — 1991)
  • Licenciado UAB (1984 — 1989)


  • Director d'Innovació Social. Àrea de Drets Socials, Justícia Global, Feminismes i LGTBI. Ajuntament de Barcelona (2019)
  • Director de Planificació i Innovació de l'Àrea de Drets Socials Barcelona City Council (2015)
  • Professor associat ESCI-UPF (2002)
  • Manager PPP for Cities. Specialist Center on PPP in Smart and Sustainable Cities IESE-UNECE (2015 — 2015)
  • Manager Public-Private Sector Research Center IESE Business School (2011 — 2015)
  • Consultor asociado Learning by Doing S.L. (2011 — 2015)
  • Consultor externo Induct Software AS (2012 — 2014)
  • Gerent Ajuntament de Molins de Rei (2011 — 2011)
  • Director de Serveis. D. Interior, Relac. Institucionals i Participació Generalitat Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya (2006 — 2011)


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