Louise Rönnerdahl

Executive Coach at INSEAD Business School


  • INSEAD Business School



INSEAD Business School

My own leadership roots grew strong in Africa, where I worked to cultivate responsible and catalytic leadership in vulnerable communities for a more prosperous livelihood. I have six years of management consulting and investment banking from the City of London behind me and hold a MBA from INSEAD Business School and Master of Business from University of Stockholm School of Business.

I am a leadership coach and passionate about a more authentic leadership that can flourish when neuroscience and the buddhist philosophy cross paths.

My experience spans across three continents and almost 90 countries. These explorations have taken me deep into the hidden aspects of human life, but also into the more complex aspects of our mind and what makes people like you and me tick. As well as what holds many humans back from exploring and living our true potential.

Most of the times we are our own invisible and unconcious source of suffering. Thus, we also possess the inner antidotes and the capability to achieve great happiness and joy.

My own leadership roots grew strong in Africa, where I worked at Emerging Leaders to cultivate responsible and catalytic leadership in vulnerable communities for a more prosperous livelihood.

I have six years of management consulting and investment banking from the City of London behind me and hold a MBA from INSEAD Business School and Master of Business from University of Stockholm School of Business.

To further improve my own appreciation for the challenges that my clients face, I became part of the management team of a turnaround company in Tanzania in 2014, where authentic leadership was instrumental to deliver the most benefit and the least harm to everybody involved.

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