Lydie Cabane

Assistant Professor of security and governance of crisis at Leiden University


Lydie Cabane is an Assistant Professor in Governance of Crises at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs, with an interdisciplinary background in sociology and political science. Her research aims to explain the wide diffusion of crisis management in a variety of domains worldwide, and to contribute to an analysis of states transformations, governance, regulation and public policy. She has performed research on disaster management in South Africa, on global health and on transboudary crisis management in the European Union.

Prior to joining Leiden University, she worked as a research fellow at the Centre for Risk Analysis and Regulation (London School of Economics and Political Science) on an Horizon 2020 project on transboudary crisis management in Europe. She holds a PhD from Sciences Po Paris (2012).



  • Roitman J., Aguiton S., Cabane L. & Cornilleau L. (2020), Anti-Crisis: thinking with and against crisis excerpt from interview with Janet Roitman, Journal of Cultural Economy 13(6): 772-778.

  • Beaussier A. & Cabane L.D. (2020), Strengthening the EU’s Response Capacity to Health Emergencies: Insights from EU Crisis Management Mechanisms, European Journal of Risk Regulation : 1-13.

  • Aguiton S., Cabane L. & Cornilleau L. (2019), La fabrique et le gouvernement des crises, Critique Internationale 85(4).

  • Borraz Olivier & Cabane Lydie (2017), States of crisis. In: Le Galès P, King D (Eds.) Reconfiguring European States in Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 394--412.

  • Cabane Lydie & Tantchou Josiane (2016), Measurement instruments and policies in Africa, Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances 10(2): a--p.

  • Cabane L. & Tantchou J. (2016), Mesurer et standardiser : les technologies politiques du gouvernement de l'Afrique (special issue, edited volume), Revue d'Anhropologie des Connaissances 10: 127-145.

  • Cabane L. & Revet S. (2015), La cause des catastrophes: concurrences scientifiques et actions politiques dans un monde transnational, Politix. Revue des sciences sociales du politique 111(3): 47--67.

  • Cabane L. (2015), Les catastrophes : un horizon commun de la globalisation environnementale ?, Natures Sciences Sociétés 23(3): 226--233.

  • Cabane L. (2015), Protecting the "Most Vulnerable"? The Management of a Disaster and the Making/Unmaking of Victims after the 2008 Xenophobic Violence in South Africa, International Journal of Conflict and Violence 9: 57-71.

  • Cabane L. (2014), Conflicts as Disasters: Translating violent conflict in post-apartheid South Africa. In: Berhends A., Rottenburg R., Park S. (Eds.) Travelling Models in African Conflict Management. Leiden: Brill.

  • Cabane Lydie (2013), Des experts de l’entre-deux. Circulation, académisation et institutionnalisation des disaster studies au Sud. In: Payre R, Kaluszynski M (Ed.) Savoirs de gouvernement. Paris: Economica. 54--75.

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  • Cabane L. (2017), Law and the Management of Disasters. The Challenge of Resilience EUR J RISK REGUL 8: 814-817.

  • Cabane L. (2016), Europe's border crisis: biopolitical security and beyond WEST EUR POLIT 39: 1353-1355.

  • Cabane L (2015), Another story of the "Postwar Boom". Modernization, protests and pollutions in the post-war France Politix 28: 209-211.


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