Maggie Elmarakby

Director of Alumni Relations at Harris School of Public Policy


  • Harris School of Public Policy



Harris School of Public Policy

Maggie Elmarakby serves as the Associate Director of Development at the Harris School of Public Policy. Maggie brings extensive experience in alumni engagement, board management, fundraising, and event planning to the role.

Since 2012, Maggie has served in a variety of roles at the University of Chicago. Most recently she was a member of the alumni relations team at the Law School where she oversaw regional events and engagement and high-level alumni councils. Prior to coming to UChicago, she held concurrent roles with AmeriCorps projects focused on early education policy and childhood literacy interventions. She is passionate about public policy and is a trained policymaker, currently completing the evening masters program at the Harris School.

Maggie holds a BA in Middle Eastern Studies and an ethics certificate from Northwestern University. She is completing an MA in Public Policy from the Harris School at the University of Chicago.

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