Majid Eghbali-Zarch

Assistant Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland


Majid Eghbali-Zarch has received his PhD in general management from Ivey Business School at Western University. His main research areas are international business and global strategy. In particular, his current works are focused on: routines and capabilities of multinational enterprises (MNE) in resource allocation practices; and location and experience dynamics and the impact on MNEs’ perceived distance from a target host country.


  • International Business
  • Strategy


  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) Sharif University of Technology (2005 — 2008)
  • Master of Science (MSc) Iran University of Science and Technology (1995 — 1998)
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) Iran University of Science and Technology (1990 — 1994)



  • Winner, Palgrave Macmillan Best Paper Award, The Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) 26th Annual Conference


Refereed Conference Proceedings

  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. & Beamish, Paul W. (Essay 1 of my Dissertation). Spatial Consistency and Temporal Persistence in MNEs’ Repetitive Strategic Resource Allocation Decisions.
  • Accepted for presentation in the Academy of management conference, Vancouver, 2015; and Academy of International Business Conference, India, 2015.
  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. & Beamish, Paul W. (Essay 2 of my Dissertation). MNE Dynamics, Distance and the Role of Space and Place in the Organization of MNE's Locations.
  • Earlier version presented in AJBS and AIB(2013); Winner of Palgrave Macmillan best paper award in AJBS(2013);
  • Accepted for presentation in the Academy of International Business Conference, India, 2015.
  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. (2013). MNE Dynamics, Distance and the Role of Space and Place in the Organization of MNE's Locations: Evidence from Japanese MNEs.The Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) 26th annual conference, Istanbul, Turkey (Winner of Palgrave Macmillan Best Paper Award).
  • I also presented the paper in AIB-2013 Conference under the Special Session for AJBS Best Paper Finalists.
  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. (2012). ‘Non-Verbatim’ Transfer of Routines Across Borders: The Interplay of Institutional Context and Routine Complexity. Academy of International Business Conference, Washington DC, USA.
  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. (2010, 2012). The Effect of Past Experience on the Frequency of Future International Acquisitions. AIB 2012 & ASAC 2010 Conference Proceedings.

Published Case Studies

  • Tavazo Co. [with Paul W. Beamish]. London, Canada: Ivey Publishing. Ivey Case # 9B10M093 (Teaching Note # 8B10M93). Published in:
  • Beamish, P. (2012), Cases in Strategic Management. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 10th edition, P. 413- 425.
  • Wang, T. & Schotter, A. (2013), Private Business; in Legal-Business Case Series. The Economy & Management Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese).

Works in Progress

  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. & Beamish, Paul W. Spatial Consistency and Temporal Persistence in MNEs’ Repetitive Strategic Resource Allocation Decisions.
  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. & Beamish, Paul W.MNE Dynamics, Distance and the Role of Space and Place in the Organization of MNE's Locations.
  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. & Beamish, Paul W. Evolved Home Base and MNE Dynamics: A Comparative Analysis of Country-level and MNE-level Distance Measures
  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. ‘Non-Verbatim’ Transfer of Routines Across Borders: The Interplay of Institutional Context and Routine Complexity.
  • Eghbali-Zarch, M. The shadow of the past or future? A theory of project joint ventures as temporary organizations.

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