Malia Mason

Associate Professor/Vice Dean for Research and Full Professor at Columbia Business School


Columbia Business School

Malia Mason studies negotiations and social judgment and decision making in one line of work. In a second, she studies how people regulate their attention and the implications for work performance. She has published her research findings in the top journals in general science (Science), psychology (Psychological Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General), and management outlets (OBHDP, Harvard Business Review).

She has received several prestigious career awards for notable contributions as a scholar, including the American Psychological Society’s “Rising Star” Early Career Award (2011), the Rotman School of Management’s Dean’s Award for Emerging Leaders (2014), and Poet and Quant's World's Best 40 Under 40 Business School Professors (2015). Numerous media outlets have featured her research, including: WSJ, CNN, CBS, Forbes, Reddit, NPR, AAAS Science, and the Atlantic. In 2015, she was awarded the Dean's Prize for Teaching Excellence in an MBA elective course.


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