Manish K. Srivastava

Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation, College of Business at Michigan Technological University


Dr. Srivastava's research focuses on technological innovation, strategic alliances, and evolution of knowledge structure of firms. His research has been published in the premier management journals Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management and other leading journals including Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Management Decision, Journal of Technology Transfer, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. His research has won awards at the Strategic Management Society, Academy of Management, and Pan-IIM World Management Conference. He has served as Guest Editor for Long Range Planning, and currently serves on the Editorial Board of Journal of Management. He has been Visiting Professor at Virginia Tech, and Visiting Associate Professor at Umeå University (Sweden).

Teaching Interests

  • Strategic Management
  • International Management
  • Technology Management

Research Interests

  • Interfirm alliances and networks
  • Technological innovations
  • Semiconductor and Nanotechnology industries


  • Virginia Tech - Pamplin College of Business
    Ph.D., Strategic Management

  • Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology
    MBA, Majors:Finance and Marketing

  • National Institute of Technology Durgapur
    BS, Civil Engineering

Selected Publications

  • Czakon, W., Srivastava, M. K., Roy, F. L., & Gnyawali, D. R. (Eds.). (2020). Coopetition strategies: Critical issues and research directions. Long Range Planning, 53(1).
  • Bengtsson, M., Raza-Ullah, T., & Srivastava, M. K. (2020). Looking different vs thinking differently: Impact of TMT diversity on coopetition capability. Long Range Planning. Published.
  • Song, Y., Gnyawali, D., Srivastava, M. K., & Asgari, E. (2018). In Search of Precision in Absorptive Capacity Research: A Synthesis of the Literature and Consolidation of Findings. Journal of Management, 44(6), 2343–2374.
  • Yayavaram, S., Srivastava, M. K., Sarkar, M. B. (2018). "Role of Search for Domain Knowledge and Architectural Knowledge in Alliance Formation." Strategic Management Journal
  • Srivastava, M. K., Gnyawali, D. R., Hatfield, D. E. (2015). "Behavioral Implications of Absorptive Capacity: The Role of R&D Effort and Capability in Leveraging Alliance Network Technological Resources in High Technology Industry" in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (vol. 92, pp. 346-358)
  • Laplume, A.O. and Srivastava, M.K. (2014) “Firm Newness, Product Novelty and Aesthetic Failure” Management Decision 52 (10): 1952-1967.
  • Srivastava, M. K. and Wang, T. (2014) "When Does Selling Make You Wiser? Impact of Licensing on Chinese Firms’ Patenting Propensity" Journal of Technology Transfer.
  • Srivastava, M.K. and Laplume, A.O. (2014) “Matching Technology Strategy with Knowledge Structure: Impact on Firm's Tobin's Q in the Semiconductor Industry” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (July-September):93-112
  • Park, B.J., Srivastava, M.K. and Gnyawali, D.R. (2014) “Impact of Coopetition in the Alliance Portfolio and Coopetition Experience on Firm Innovation” Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 26(8):943-957.
  • Park, B.J., Srivastava, M.K. and Gnyawali, D.R. (2014) “Walking the Tight Rope of Coopetition: Impact of Competition and Cooperation Intensities and Balance on Firm Innovation Performance” Industrial Marketing Management 43(2):210-221
  • Gnyawali, D. R. and Srivastava, M. K., (2013) “Complementary Effects of Clusters and Networks on Firm Innovation: A Conceptual Model”. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 30(1):1-20.
  • Srivastava, M.K. and Laplume, A.O. (2013) “Matching Technology Strategy with Knowledge Structure: Implications for Firm Performance. Academy of Management Proceedings
  • Srivastava, M. K., Bruyaka, O., Gnyawali, D. R, Ran, B (Ed). (2012) "Overcoming Innovation Barriers: Alliance Portfolio Characteristics and Technological Innovations" in Contemporary Perspectives on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy, Information Age Publishing.
  • Srivastava, M. K. and Gnyawali, D. R. (2011). "When Do Relational Resources Matter? Leveraging Portfolio Technological Resources for Breakthrough Innovation," Academy of Management Journal. 54(4):797-810.
  • Srivastava, M. K., Gnyawali, D. R., Tallman, S. (2010). "Differential Impact of Alliance and Cluster Technological Resources on Breakthrough Innovation," Academy of Management Proceedings
  • Srivastava, M. K. (2009). "Networks, Clusters and Technological Innovation: Friends or Neighbors: Impact of Interfirm Networks and Clusters on Firm Technological Innovations in the U.S. Semiconductor Industry" VDM Publishing House Ltd.

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