Manoranjan Paul

Professor at Charles Sturt University



Manoranjan Paul received the BSc Engineering (honors) degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and the PhD degree from Monash University, Australia. He has also completed Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Graduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education from Charles Sturt University (CSU).

Currently, Manoranjan Paul is a Professor in Computer Science, Director of Computer Vision Lab and the Head of Machine Vision and Digital Health (MAVIDH) Research Group at CSU.

Prof Paul is the recipient of the ICT Researcher of the Year 2017 and a Golden Disruptor Award from the Australian Computer Society (ACS). Currently, he is an Associate Editor of international journals: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (JCR Q1 and Rank 1 in Multimedia), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (JCR Q1 and Rank 2 in Multimedia), and Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (JCR Q2).

Previously Prof Paul was an Assistant Professor at Ahsanullah University, Lecturer at Monash University, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at University of New south Wales (UNSW), Monash University, and at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He was an Associate Director of Centre for Research in Complex Systems (2013-17).

His major research interests are in the fields:

  • Video coding
  • Image processing
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Digital health
  • Eye tracking
  • Epilepsy prediction and EEG signal processing
  • Image authentication and watermarking
  • Computer vision
  • Viticulture
  • Soil/vegetation assessment

Prof Paul has published around 200 fully refereed international publications including 70+ journals. He has successfully supervised 16 PhD in completion including 6 as a principal supervisor. He obtained $3.6 million competitive external grant money including Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project (DP19 & DP13), Australia-China, Soil CRC, NSW Government, Wine Australia, and NSW DPI grants.

Prof Paul was an invited Keynote speaker in the international conferences: IEEE DICTA’17 & ‘13, CSWN’17, IEEE WoWMoM’14, and IEEE ICCIT’10. He has organized international conferences: PSIVT’19 as a General Chair, DICTA’18 as a Program Chair, PSIVT’17 as a Program Chair, and DICTA’16 as a Publicity Chair. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Australian Computer Society (ACS).

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