Manos Chaniotakis

Lecturer at University College London



Emmanouil (Manos) Chaniotakis is a Lecturer in Transport Modeling and Machine Learning at University College London (UCL) and an affiliated researcher at the Technical University of Munich.

His research focuses on modeling and simulation of transportation systems, demand modeling, and machine learning in transportation. He has been involved in various European and national projects and his research has been published in many journals, including Elsevier's Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice and Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.

Work experience

  • Oct 2016 - Oct 2019 Research Associate - Technical University of Munich
  • Sep 2014 - Sep 2016 Research Associate - Center for Research and Technology Hellas –Hellenic Institute of Transport
  • Apr 2013 - Feb 2014 Graduating Intern - TNO
  • Oct 2012 - Nov 2012 Student Assistant - TU Delft


  • Sep 2016 - Oct 2019 PhD Candidate - Technical University of Munich (TUM)
  • Jun 2015 - Sep 2016 PhD Candidate - National Technical University of Athens Greece (NTUA)
  • Sep 2011 - Feb 2014 Master of Science in Transport Infrastructure & Logistics- Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
  • Sep 2005 - Mar 2011 Diploma in Rural & Surveying Engineering- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)

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