Manuel Grieder

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)


Manuel Grieder is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at UniDistance Suisse. He received his PhD from the University of Lausanne (HEC) in 2015, after which he continued his research career as a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich, including a research stay at the MIT in Cambridge (Boston, USA). Since August 2018, he holds a lecturer position at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). In his research, he studies questions from environmental and organisational economics from a behavioural angle.

Key research themes Based on theoretical models and empirical findings from economics, management and psychology, Manuel Grieder investigates research questions in organisational and environmental economics from a behavioural economics perspective using experimental (and other) methods. Recent work studies, for instance, the distributional effects of green choice defaults in the electricity market or how a carbon tax affects people's intrinsic motivation for green consumption choices. More generally, his research deals with the topic of behaviour in organisations and on markets. This includes questions such as how to promote cooperative relationships between trading partners, how to avoid unethical behaviour, and how to encourage sustainable decision making.


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