Marc Van Essen
- EMLYON Business School
EMLYON Business School
Marc Van Essen is Professor of International Business at University of South Carolina and permanent Visiting Professor at emlyon business school, France. Marc’s research interests cover the topics of international business, comparative corporate governance and the institution-based view of business strategy. Accordingly, his primary research questions are: What are the specific roles and effects of country-level institutions on firm strategy and practices? What factors determine the prevalence and effectiveness of corporate governance practices around the world? How do corporate governance practices influence firm-level strategic choices? The results of this research have been published in leading journals. Additionally, he received very high evaluations and awards for the best professor of the semester from the Delta Zeta student organization nominating outstanding professors at the University of South Carolina.
- 2007-11 - Ph.D. in Management (Cum laude), Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands
- 2005-07 - M.Sc. in Economics and Law (Cum laude), Utrecht University, Netherlands
- 2002-05 - B.Sc. in Economics and Law (Cum laude), Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Best Reviewer Award 2016 for Corporate Governance: An International Review.
- Berrone, P., Duran, P., Gomez-Mejia, L., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., & Van Essen, M. 2016. The family-legitimizing environment: A key determinant of family-controlled firms’ prevalence, strategy, and profitability. Winner of the OMT Best International Paper Award. 76th annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Berrone, P., Duran, P., Gomez-Mejia, L., Heugens, P., & Van Essen, M. 2016. The family-legitimizing environment: A key determinant of family-controlled firms’ prevalence, strategy, and profitability. Best paper proceedings of the 76th annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Jürgen-Hauschildt-Preis 2015. Jürgen-Hauschildt-Price for the best innovation management article. Duran, P., Kammerlander, N., Van Essen, M., & Zellweger, T. Paper: "Doing more with less: Innovation input and output in family firms".
- Professor of Spring 2015 Semester. Delta Zeta, Student Organization Nominating Outstanding Professors at the University of South Carolina. The beta delta chapter of Delta Zelta is a sisterhood of strong and diverse women from all over the country united in our passion for our chapter. Founded on the University of South Carolina’s campus on September 22, 1928, we are proud to have remained on campus for over 85 years.
- Sauerwald, S., Oosterhout, H., Van Essen, M., & Peng, M. 2015. Proxy advisors as gatekeepers of shareholder dissent: A Cross-national investigation of influence and effectiveness. CGIO Best Paper in International Corporate Governance Finalist.
- Sauerwald, S., Oosterhout, H., Van Essen, M., & Peng, M. 2015. Proxy advisors as gatekeepers of shareholder dissent: A Cross-national investigation of influence and effectiveness. Best paper proceedings of the 75th annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Best paper proceedings of the 75th annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Arregle, J-L. Duran, P., Hitt, M., & Van Essen, M. 2015. Is family firms’ internationalization special? A meta-analysis. Nominated for the Best Conference Paper Prize at the AIB Latin America 2015.
- Sauerwald, S., Van Essen, M., & Oosterhout, H., & Peng, M. 2014. Proxy Advisors as Gatekeepers of Shareholder Dissent: A Multilevel Investigation of Influence and Effectiveness. Nominated for the Best Conference Paper Prize for Practice Implications of the SMS Annual Conference.
- Sauerwald, S., Van Essen, M., & Oosterhout, H. 2013. Shareholder Activism in Europe: Evidence from Shareholder Dissent in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. CGIO Best Paper in International Corporate Governance Finalist. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2013.153 ACAD MANAGE PROC January 2013 (Meeting Abstract Supplement) 12565
- Bailey, N., Engelen, P-J. Van Essen, M., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. A Meta-Analytic Review of the Determinants and Consequences of IPO Underpricing. Best paper proceedings of the 73th annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Best paper proceedings of the 73th annual meeting of the Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2013.98 ACAD MANAGE PROC January 2013 (Meeting Abstract Supplement) 16373
- Sauerwald, S., Van Essen, M., & Oosterhout, H. 2013. Shareholder Activism in Europe: Evidence from Shareholder Dissent in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Best paper proceedings of the 73th annual meeting of the Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2013.153 ACAD MANAGE PROC January 2013 (Meeting Abstract Supplement) 12565
- Van Essen, M., Duran, P., Heugens, P., Peng, M., & Kostova, T. 2013. Why do Publicly Listed Family Firms Perform so Differently Across Emerging Markets? An Institution-Based Theory. Finalist for an award at the 2013 International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference.
- Van Essen, M., Van Oosterhout, H., & Carney, M. 2012. Winner of the 2012 Best Paper Award by Springer Publishing. The Best Paper Award is given annually to the best article published in past years at Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Paper: Corporate boards and performance of Asian firms: A meta-analysis.
- Van Essen, M. Nominated for Pierson Medaille 2012. The Pierson medal is awarded every three years to a promising young researcher in the economic-financial area, who is about to break through internationally. The award is granted by The Royal Society for Political Economy (De Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde) which was founded in 1849 and is the oldest professional association of economists in the world. Stichting Mr. N.G. Pierson Fonds. Committee: Eric van Damme (chair), Harry Garretsen, Franz Palm, Rick van der Ploeg en Casper de Vries.
- Van Essen, M. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM) Best Dissertation Award 2012. ERIM Ceremony 2012, Wednesday 12, 2012. Location: Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Van Essen, M. Winner of Richard N. Farmer Best Dissertation Award, Academy of International Business. AIB 2012 Annual meeting. Washington DC, USA.
- Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., Van Oosterhout, H., & Otten, J. 2011. Executive Pay in Context: A Meta-Analysis of Institutional Influences on the Pay-for-Performance Association. Winner of the International Management Division Best Paper in OB / HRM / OT Award. 71th annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Van Essen, M., Carney, M., Gedajlovic, E., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. 2011. Do US Publicly Listed Family Firms Differ? Does it Matter? A Meta-Analysis. Best paper proceedings of the 71th annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Carney M., Gedajlovic E., Heugens P.P.M.A.R., Van Essen M., & Van Oosterhout, H. 2010. Business Group Performance, Context, and Strategy: A Meta-Analysis. Best paper proceedings of the 70th annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Van Essen M., & Van Oosterhout H. 2008. Meta-Analyzing Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in Asia: Towards a More Fine-Grained Understanding. Best paper proceedings of the 68th annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
- 2017-present Associate professor of international business, Sonoco International Business Department, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
- 2017-present Director of the undergraduate international business program, Sonoco International Business Department, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
- 2015-17 Full professor of entrepreneurship and innovation, Global Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of St. Gallen
- 2015-17 Director of global center for entrepreneurship and innovation, Global Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of St. Gallen
- 2012-15 Assistant professor of international business, Sonoco International Business Department, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
- 2011-12 Assistant professor of finance, Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht University
- Comparative Corporate Governance
- International Business
- Strategy
- Family Firms
- Meta-analysis
- Innovation
- Institutions
- Business in Europe
- Academy of International Business
- Academy of Management
- American Law and Economics Association
- Meta-Analysis of Economics Research (MAER) Network
PhD course: Meta-analysis
- What are the specific roles and effects of country-level institutions on firm strategy and practices?
- What factors determine the prevalence and effectiveness of corporate governance practices around the world?
- How do corporate governance practices influence firm-level strategic choices?
- Organizer of the conference. Rencontres de St-Gall 2016 in St.Gallen, Switzerland, 29 - 31 August 2016. “Institutional Context and Governance of SMEs and Family Firms: Trends and Challenges” (with Urs Fueglistaller, Thierry Volery, Thomas Zellweger).
- Business model innovation certificate program. Corporate governance: From wealth protection to wealth creation. 16 November 2015. University of St. Gallen/Stanford University.
- Expressive shareholder democracy: A multilevel study of shareholder dissent in 15 Western European countries. 12 November 2015. Bocconi University, Management and Technology.
- Family business specificities. 5 November 2015. Mazars, Germany.
- St. Galler produktionsmanagement tagung. Corporate governance: From wealth protection to wealth creation. 27-28 Oktober 2015. University of St. Gallen.
- Seminar on meta-analysis. 25-27 March 2015. Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Management.
- Seminar on meta-analysis. 23-24 March 2015. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics & Management.
- Organizer of Symposium at Academy of Management Annual Conference 2014 “Institutional complexity and corporate governance: Advancing the research agenda” (with Tatiana Kostova). Panelists: Michael Carney, Igor Filatotchev, Pursey Heugens, Michael A. Hitt, Jordan Siegel, Marc van Essen
- Organizer of Symposium at Academy of International Business Annual Conference 2014 “Institutions, Ownership, and Global Strategy”, D#1528 (with Hans van Oosterhout). Panelists: Ruth Aguilera, Tatiana Kostova, David Reeb, Jordan Siegel, Marc van Essen, Ed Zajac. 23-26 June, Vancouver, Canada.
- Design Choices in meta-analysis: Our field can do so much better. 22 April 2014, University of Rotterdam, Rotterdam School of Management.
- Organizer of Strategic Management Society Extension of 2013 Annual Conference “Comparative Corporate Governance and Global Strategy”, Charleston, SC (with Tatiana Kostova). Panelists: Ruth Aguilera, Andrew Delios, Igor Filatotchev, Pursey Heugens, Michael A. Hitt, William Megginson, Mike Peng, David Reeb, Jordan Siegel, Marc van Essen, Hans van Oosterhout, James Walsch, Edward Zajac.
- Why do publicly listed family firms perform so differently across emerging markets? An institution-based theory. 5 June 2013, Utrecht University, Utrecht School of Economics.
- Concentrated owners in Asia: Contingent performance effects of owners types and market-supporting institutions. 28 September 2012, University of Texas at Dallas.
- Competition and cooperation in corporate governance: The effects of labor institutions on blockholder effectiveness in 23 European countries. 10 May 2011, University of Groningen.
‑ Carberry, Edward J., Engelen, Peter Jan, , Van Essen, Marc. 2018. Which firms get punished?: Explaining variation in stock market reactions to corporate misconduct.Business Ethics Quarterly, FORTH
‑ Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd, Kostova, Tatiana, , Kunst, Vincent E., , Spadafora, Ettore, , Van Essen, Marc. 2018. Cultural Distance and Firm Internationalization: A Meta-Analytical Review and Theoretical Implications.Journal of Management, 44 (1): 89-130 p.
‑ Deng, Ziliang, Yan, Jiayan, , Van Essen, Marc. 2018. Heterogeneity of political connections and outward foreign direct investment.International Business Review, FORTH
‑ Arregle, Jean-Luc, Duran, Patricio, , Hitt, Michael A., , Van Essen, Marc. 2017. Why Is Family Firms' Internationalization Unique?: A Meta-Analysis.Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 41 (5): 801-831 p.
‑ Carney, Michael, Duran, Patricio, , Van Essen, Marc, , Shapiro, Daniel. 2017. Family firms, internationalization, and national competitiveness: Does family firm prevalence matter?.Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8 (3): 123-136 p.
‑ Carney, Michael, Estrin, Saul, , Van Essen, Marc, , Shapiro, Daniel. 2017. Business Groups reconsidered: beyond paragons and parasites.Academy of Management Perspectives, FORTH
‑ Duran, Patricio, Kostova, Tatiana, , Van Essen, Marc. 2017. Political ideologies and the internationalization of family-controlled firms.Journal of World Business, 52 (4): 474-488 p.
‑ Carney, Michael, Van Essen, Marc, , Estrin, Saul, , Shapiro, Daniel. 2017. Business group prevalence and impact across countries and over time: What can we learn from the literature?.Multinational Business Review, 25 (1): 52-76 p.
‑ Mutlu, Canan C., Van Essen, Marc, , Peng, Mike W., , Saleh, Sabrina F., , Duran, Patricio. 2017. Corporate Governance in China: A Meta-Analysis.Journal of Management Studies, FORTH
‑ MARANO, Valentina, Arregle, Jean-Luc, , Hitt, Michael A., , SPADAFORA, Ettore, , VAN, ESSEN Marc. 2016. Home Country Institutions and the Internationalization-Performance Relationship: A Meta-Analytic Review.Journal of Management, 42 (5): 1075-1110 P.
‑ Duran, Patricio, Kammerlander, Nadine, , Van Essen, Marc, , Zellweger, Thomas. 2016. Doing More with Less: Innovation Input and Output in Family Firms.Academy of Management Journal, 59 (4): 1224-1264 p.
Marc Van Essen
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