Maria Michou

Associate Professor in Finance at Edinburgh Business School


  • Edinburgh Business School



Edinburgh Business School

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Deputy Director, PhD Programme, University of Edinburgh Business School (September 2018–July 2020)
  • Co-ordinator, PhD Programme in Accounting and Finance (September 2013–July 2020)
  • Member, Research Degrees Committee (September 2013–July 2020)
  • Member, Postgraduate Discussion Forum (September 2018–July 2020)
  • Co-ordinator, Equality & Diversity, Athena SWAN (April 2015–August 2018)
  • Member, Research Committee (September 2015– August 2017)
  • Non-Professorial Representative to the Senatus (September 2014–August 2017)
  • Programme Director, MSc in Accounting and Finance (2007–2011)
  • Research Seminar Series Organiser, Accounting and Finance Group (2005–2011)
  • Personal Tutor, MSc in Accounting and Finance (2007–2017)
  • Member, Undergraduate Programmes Review Committee (2007–2010)
  • Member, Teaching and Learning Project Committee (2009–2011)

Membership of Societies and Editorial Boards:

  • Member, Accounting and Business Research Editorial Board
  • Member, American Finance Association
  • Member, British Accounting Association
  • Member, European Finance Association
  • Member, Higher Education Academy

Academic Qualifications

  • 1998–2002: PhD in Finance, University of Exeter
  • (Principal supervisor: Professor Alan Gregory, Second supervisor: Professor Richard D F Harris)
  • 1997–1998: MA in Finance and Investment, University of Exeter
  • Employment
  • 2009–current: Senior Lecturer in Finance*, Business School, University of Edinburgh
  • 2004–2008: Lecturer in Finance*, Business School, University of Edinburgh
  • 2002–2004: Lecturer in Finance*, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
  • 2001–2002: Teaching Fellow in Finance, Business School, University of Exeter
  • 1998–2001: Graduate Teaching Assistant (throughout my PhD study), Business School, University of Exeter
  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor

Teaching responsibilities

Undergraduate Level

  • Behavioural Finance and Market Efficiency (Honours elective, 3rd and 4th year students)
  • Introduction to Financial Markets (Core course, 1st year students in MA Accounting and Finance, MA in Business and Finance, MA in Economics with Finance)
  • Dissertations supervisor

PhD students completed

  • Dr Hang Zhou, Early Career Fellow in Finance, University of Edinburgh Business School (1st supervisor–jointly with Professor Seth Armitage)
  • Dr Yue Liu, Lecturer in Finance, University of Edinburgh Business School (2nd supervisor–jointly with Professor Richard Taffler)
  • Dr Tao Qhizi, Associate Professor Southwestern University of Finance and Economics: Chengdu, Sichuan, China (2nd supervisor–jointly with Professor Paul Andre)
  • Dr Sulaiman Mouselli, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration Arab International University, Damascus (2nd supervisor–jointly with Professor Andrew Stark)

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