Marianne Kulow

Professor of Law and Taxation at Bentley University


  • Bentley University



Bentley University

Marianne DelPo Kulow joined the Bentley faculty after a Boston legal career that encompassed defending businesses against a variety of claims as well as criminal prosecution and defense work. Professor Kulow has developed and taught four current Bentley courses. She continues to teach Laws that Oppress and Empower, while colleagues now teach the other three courses: Gender and the Law, Race and the Law, and Law and Society. Professor Kulow publishes on various aspects of discrimination law, with a recent focus on disabilities and LGBTQ+ discrimination. She holds an A.B. from Harvard, an M.A. from the University of Liverpool, and a J.D. from the Boston University.


  • JD Boston University
  • MA University of Liverpool
  • AB Harvard University

Teaching Interests

  • Disability rights and legislation
  • Mental disability education and workplace regulation
  • Therapy dogs
  • Animal rights
  • LGBTQ+ rights
  • Gay marriage and adoption
  • Transgender discrimination
  • Employment discrimination law
  • Employment of people experiencing homelessness;
  • Employment of people with a criminal record
  • Religious workplace discrimination
  • Age workplace discrimination;
  • Civil rights;
  • Social Justice;
  • Diversity and inclusion;
  • Educational equity;
  • Gender issues;
  • Business law

Research Interests

  • Disability rights and legislation
  • Mental disability education and workplace regulation
  • Higher Ed and Workplace mental disability accommodation law
  • Therapy dogs
  • Dogs as legally protected mental disability accommodations
  • Assistive technology as ADA reasonable accommodation
  • Animal rights
  • LGBTQ+ rights
  • Gay marriage and adoption
  • LGBTQ+ housing and public accommodations
  • Transgender discrimination
  • Educational equity
  • Single-sex Higher Ed Title IX liability for transgender students
  • Homelessness workplace discrimination
  • Criminal record workplace discrimination
  • Title VII (federal work discrimination law) interpretation
  • Domestic violence workplace law
  • Legal approaches to automation job-displacement
  • Higher education mandatory retirement & age discrimination
  • Legality of early retirement incentives in higher education
  • Legal solutions to the gender wage gap
  • Legislating a family-friendly workplace
  • Social justice legislation

Awards and Honors

  • 2015, Rainbow Award, Bentley University
  • 2015, TEDx speaker, TEDx Bentley
  • 2014, Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award, Bentley University
  • 2014, John Bonsignore Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Law Teaching , Academy of Legal Studies in Business
  • 2011, Charles M. Hewitt Master Teacher Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business
  • 2000, Innovation in Teaching Award, Bentley


Journal Articles

  • Kulow, M. D., Thomas, S. R. (2019). Assistive Technology and the ADA: Teaching Employers to Love These Reasonable Accommodations. Berkeley Journal of Labor and Employment Law, (40) 2
  • Missirian, D. E., Kulow, M. D. (2019). Defenseless Against Rape: Outdated Laws and a Proposed Solution. American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, (28) 1
  • Kulow, M. D., Missirian, D. E. (2019). Building STEPs Down the Precipitous Cliff from University to Workplace: A Proposal to Modify Regulation of Higher Education Mental Disability Accommodations . Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (U Texas Austin), (24) 2
  • Salimbene, F. P., Kulow, M. D. (2015). Making Service-Learning Work for Undergraduate Business Law Education: Issues and Answers. Academy of Legal Studies in Business National Proceedings , (46)
  • Earle, B. H., Kulow, M. D. (2015). The "Deeply Toxic" Damage Caused by the Abolition of Mandatory Retirement and its Collision with Tenure in Higher Education: A Proposal for Statutory Change. University of Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, (Volume 24) 2 51.
  • Kulow, M. D. (2013). Beyond the Paycheck Fairness Act: Mandatory Wage Disclosure Laws A Necessary Tool For Closing the Residual Gender Wage Gap. Harvard Journal on Legislation, (50) 2 385-435.
  • Kulow, M. D. (2012). Teaching Disability Employment Discrimination Law: Accommodating Physical and Mental Disabilities. Journal of Legal Studies Education, (29) 2 335-362.
  • Kulow, M. D. (2012). Legislating a Family Friendly Workplace: Should It Be Done in the United States?. Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, (7) Winter 2012 88-115.
  • Kulow, M. D. (2002). Same Sex Marriages: A Scandinanvian Perspective. Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, (24) 4 419-438.
  • Kulow, M. D. (2001). Same Sex Marriages: How Will They Impact Employers?. The Journal of Employment Discrimination Law, (3) 2 93-97.
  • Kulow, M. D. (2000). Never on Monday?! Workplace Religious Discrimination in the New Millennium. The Journal of Employment Discrimination Law, (1) 2 97-100.
  • Kulow, M. D. (2000). The Thin Line Between Love and Hate: Same Sex Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment. Labor Law Journal. 15-.
  • Kulow, M. D. (2000). Too Old To Die Young, Too Young To Die Now: Are Early Retirement Incentives in Higher Education Necessary, Legal, and Ethical?. Seton Hall Law Review, (30) 3 827-.
  • Kulow, M. D. (1999). Never On Sunday: Religious Workplace Freedom in the New Millennium. Maine Law Review, (51) 2 342-.
  • Kulow, M. D. (1999). Sunday Blues: The Continuing Anachronism of Massachusetts Sunday Closing Laws. Business Law Review, (32) 1.
  • Kulow, M. D. (1999). The Thin Line Between Love and Hate: Same Sex Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment. Santa Clara Law Review, (40) 1 1-.
  • Kulow, M. D. (1999). Tobacco Abroad: Legal and Ethical Implications of Marketing Dangerous U.S. Products Overseas. Business and Society Review, (104) 2 147-.
  • Kulow, M. D. (1997). Supreme Judicial Court Preserves Negligence Standard For Massachusetts Dramshop Liability. Massachusetts Law Review, (82) 2 247-.
  • Kulow, M. D. (1996). Individual Liability Under Title VII: What Did Congress Mean By 'Employer'?. The Nebraska Law Review, (75) 2 278-.
  • Davies, A. D., Davies, C., Kulow, M. D. (1986). Depression and Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Diagnostic Investigations for Head and Neck Cancers. British Journal of Psychiatry, (149) 491-.
  • Teta, M. J., Kulow, M. D., Kasl, S. V., Meigs, J. W., Myers, M. H., Mulvihill, J. J. (1986). Psychological Consequences of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survival. Journal of Chronic Diseases, (39) 9 751-.


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