Marianne Ziegler
Lecturer at Technical University of Munich
- *Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Consulting and Ethics * Copenhagen Business School (2000 - 2005)
- Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen
- Sct Joseph
- Scientific staff TU München (2018)
- Lecturer TU München (2014)
- EBCM none (2014 — 2015)
- Thejls Ziegler, M. (2005).Egos and Ethics of Management Consultants. København: Samfundslitteratur. Ph.d. Serie, No. 2005-21
- Thejls Ziegler M. (2020) Cultural Contradictions of Business Legitimacy. In: Rendtorff J. (eds) Handbook of Business Legitimacy. Springer, Cham. Link
- Thejls Ziegler M. (2020) Motivating Employees in a Globalized Economy: The Moral Legitimacy of Applying Gamification in a Corporate Context. In: Rendtorff J. (eds) Handbook of Business Legitimacy. Springer, Cham. Link
- Christoph Lütge & Marianne Thejls Ziegler (2020) Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen und Soziale Inklusion. In Jens Nachtwei & Antonia Sureth (2020), HR Consulting Review (Band 12, "Zukunft der Arbeit"), Berlin: VQP. ISSN 2196-0232.
- Thejls Ziegler M. (2020) Integrity: Challenges of Defining a Shapeless Concept. Business and Professional Ethics Journal. 39(3): 347-364. Link
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