Martin Blunt

Professor at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London




Imperial College London


  • Professor, Imperial College London, 1999-
  • Head of Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, 2006-2011
  • Head of Petroleum Engineering and Rock Mechanics (PERM) Group, 1999-2006
  • Assistant then Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, California, 1992-1999
  • Research Reservoir Engineer with BP in Sunbury-on-Thames, 1988-1992
  • MA and PhD degrees in theoretical physics from Cambridge University, 1988

Recent Measures of Esteem

  • 2021 Head Major Awards Committee, Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • 2019 Elected to the Royal Academy of Engineering
  • 2019 Celsius Lecturer, University of Uppsala
  • 2018 Honorary Lifetime Membership, InterPore
  • 2017 Erasmus Award from the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers
  • 2016 President's Medal for Excellence in Teaching
  • 2012 Darcy Award, Society of Core Analysts
  • 2011 Winner of the Lester U Uren Award from the Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • 2011- Editor-in-Chief, Transport in Porous Media
  • 2011- Director, iRock Technologies, China
  • 2007 Keynote speaker Forum on Reservoir Simulation, Abu Dhabi
  • 2006 Chair, Gordon Conference on Flow and Transport in Permeable Media, New Hampshire
  • 2006 Keynote speaker Computational Methods in Water Resources Conference, Copenhagen
  • 2001-2 SPE Distinguished Lecturer
  • 2001- Director, Streamsim Technologies inc, California

Research Interests

Professor Blunt's research interests are in multiphase flow in porous media with many applications including oil and gas recovery, geological carbon storage, and contaminant transport, clean-up in polluted aquifers and fibrous porous materials. He performs experimental, theoretical and numerical research into many aspects of flow and transport in porous systems, including pore-scale imaging, modelling and analysis of displacement processes, and large-scale simulation using streamline-based methods. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Transport in Porous Media. He has over 250 scientific publications. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.


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