Martin Guzi

Assistant Professor at Masaryk University



Martin Guzi is an Assistant Professor (with tenure) at Masaryk University in Brno and a Research Associate at Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) in Bratislava. Martin holds MSc in Mathematics from Comenius University (Slovakia) and PhD in Economics from CERGE-EI (Czechia). He stayed at IZA as a Resident Research Affiliate in 2009/2013 and became an IZA Research Fellow in December 2015.

His main research interests are immigration and integration policy, income inequality and income adequacy (living wages), subjective well-being, and the careers of university graduates. He has contributed to a number of research and policy projects. As a principal investigator, he led “Residential Mobility, Social Capital and Trust: Evidence from a Natural Experiment” and “After the curtain: empirical studies of migration in transition economies” projects funded by the Czech Science Foundation.

At present, he participates in the WageIndicator project on Living Wages; BARWAGE – The importance of collective bargaining for wage setting in the European Union; and National Institute for Research on the Socioeconomic Impact of Diseases and Systemic Risks (SYRI) projects”.

Martin Guzi co-organizes Young Economists' Meeting and Research Seminar series at Masaryk University in Brno.

Research Interests

  • applied labor economics
  • attitudes towards immigrants
  • effect of immigration
  • income adequacy
  • income inequality
  • labor and migration
  • living wage
  • social welfare programs
  • subjective well-being
  • work careers of university graduates
  • work migration

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