Martin Trusler

Professor of Thermophysics at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London



Imperial College London

J. P. Martin Trusler is a Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at Imperial College London. He received his BSc in Chemistry (1980) and his PhD in Chemical Thermodynamics (1984) from University College London (UCL). He then was awarded a Lindermann Trust Fellowship by the Royal Society which took him to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, where he was involved in the redetermination of the universal gas constant.

After a further period at UCL, as a Ramsay Memorial Fellow, he was appointed to the faculty of the Chemical Engineering Department at Imperial College London, rising to Professor of Thermophysics in 2001. He is an expert in the thermophysical properties and phase behavior of fluids and leads a research team focused primarily on experimental measurements, especially those involving work at extremes of temperature and pressure.

The knowledge gained helps drive the development of improved theoretical methods for predicting fluid properties, with applications in the energy industry and beyond. In 2016, he was awarded the Guggenheim Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers in recognition of his work in the field. He has published over 150 scientific papers, several contributed chapters and two books.

Research Interests

My research is aimed at improved fundamental understanding of the thermophysical properties of fluids, especially mixtures, by means of measurement, modelling and theory. A special focus is placed upon systems relevant to carbon dioxide capture, transportation and storage and hydrogen production, transportation and storage processes. Current studies include:

  • Phase behaviour and physical properties of complex mixtures containing carbon dioxide
  • Physical properties of hydrogen and hydrogen-rich mixtures
  • Thermophysical properties of alternative sustainable liquid fuels
  • interfacial tension and wettability of reservoir minerals;
  • physical properties of blended aqueous amine/amino acid solvents for CO2 capture.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Hou S-X, Maitland GC, Trusler JPM, 2013, Measurement and modeling of the phase behavior of the (carbon dioxide + water) mixture at temperatures from 298.15 K to 448.15 K, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Vol:73, Pages:87-96
  • Li X, Boek ES, Maitland GC, et al., 2012, Interfacial Tension of (Brines+CO2): CaCl2(aq), MgCl2(aq), and Na2SO4(aq) at Temperatures between (343 and 423) K, Pressures between (2 and 50) MPa, and Molalities of (0.5 to 5), Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol:57, ISSN:0021-9568, Pages:1369-1375
  • Peleties F, Segovia JJ, Trusler JPM, et al., 2010, Thermodynamic properties and equation of state of liquid di-isodecyl phthalate at temperature between (273 and 423) K and at pressures up to 140 MPa, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, Vol:42, ISSN:0021-9614, Pages:631-639
  • Caudwell DR, Trusler JPM, Vesovic V, et al., 2009, Viscosity and Density of Five Hydrocarbon Liquids at Pressures up to 200 MPa and Temperatures up to 473 K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol:54, ISSN:0021-9568, Pages:359-366


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