Matthew Katz
Undergraduate Program Director & Associate Professor Sport Management at University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Massachusetts Amherst
PhD Sport Management, University of Texas at Austin, 2014 MS Sport Management, Louisiana State University, 2011 BA History and Economics, Muhlenberg College, 2009
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 9/15 - Present Assistant Professor of Sport Leadership and Management, Miami University, 7/14 - 7/15
Research Interests
- Sport Consumer Behavior
- Sport History
- Social Network Analysis
Teaching Interests
- Sport Analytics
- Sport Marketing
- Sport History
Recent Honors & Awards
North American Society for Sport Management Research Fellow, 2018 Isenberg Teaching Excellence Award , 2019
Selected Publications
Katz, M., & Heere, B. (2015). Empowerment within Brand Communities: Overcoming the Achilles' Heel of Scale-Free Networks. Sport Management Review, 18, 370-383.
Katz, M., & Seifried, C. S. (2014). And Then There Were Three: The NCAA's Struggle for Reorganization and the Emergence of Division III Athletics. Sport History Review, 45, 145-170.
Katz, M., & Heere, B. (2013). Leaders and Followers: An Exploration of the Notion of Scale-Free Networks within a New Brand Community. Journal of Sport Management, 27, 271-287.
Katz, M., Baker III, T. A., & Hui, D. (2019). Team Identity, Club Identity, and Fan Relationships: A Brand Community Network Analysis of a Soccer Fan Club. Journal of Sport Management
Katz, M., Heere, B., & Melton, E. N. (2019). Predicting Fan Behavior through Egocentric Network Analysis: Examining Season Ticket Holder Renewal. Journal of Sport Management
Katz, M., Ward, R. M., & Heere, B. (2018). Explaining Attendance through the Brand Community Triad: Integrating Network Theory and Team Identification. Sport Management Review, 21, 176-188.
Katz, M., Walker, N. A., & Hindman, L. C. (2018). Gendered Leadership Networks in the NCAA: Analyzing Affiliation Networks of Senior Woman Administrators and Athletic Directors. Journal of Sport Management, 32, 135-149.
Faculty Speakers Series: Matthew Katz
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