Matthias Thiemann

Associate Professor at Sciences Po


  • Sciences Po



Sciences Po

Matthias Thiemann is an Associate Professor of European Public Policy at Sciences Po Paris. His work focuses on two areas. On the one hand, he analyzes the role of public development banks in attempts by the European Union to develop infrastructural power in the realm of economic policy, on the other hand he analyzes the regulation of financial markets, seeking to bring ideational and political economy accounts together.

Prior to Sciences Po, he was an Assistant Professor at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and a Postdoctoral Fellow at ESSEC Business School. His work has been published in the American Journal of Sociology, the Journal of European Public Policy, Regulation and Governance, the Review of International Political Economy and the Journal Regulation and Governance. In 2018, he published a monograph at Cambridge University Press on the regulation of shadow banking, and a new monograph is forthcoming at CUP entitled “Taming the Cycles of Finance? Minskyian Ideas and the shifts in post-crisis financial regulation”.


  • Associate Professor Sciences Po Sciences Po (2020)
  • Assistant Professor Sciences Po (2017 — 2020)


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