Michael Enright

Pierre Choueiri Family Professor in Global Business at D'Amore-McKim School of Business


  • D'Amore-McKim School of Business




D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Michael Enright is a leading expert on international competitiveness, regional economic development, and international business strategy. As a researcher, he has written definitive works on the strategies and organizations of multinational companies, the impact of foreign firms on China’s economy, regional clusters, and the competitiveness of national and regional economies. As a teacher, he has taught EMBA, MBA, and undergraduate level courses in Strategy, International Business, International Trade and Competition, China's Business Environment, and China's Development. As an advisor, he has led projects that have reshaped national and regional strategies, altered the skylines of major cities, and transformed the strategies of major corporations. As a speaker and executive educator, he has engaged audiences in 40 countries on issues of international competitiveness, business strategy in complex and uncertain environments, and developments in China and Asia. As a Board Director, he has participated in the formulation and oversight of strategies for multi-billion dollar companies, while serving on Strategy, Audit, HR, and Remuneration Committees.


  • PhD Business Economics and Dean’s Doctoral Fellow, Harvard University
  • MBA with distinction, Harvard Business School
  • AB with honors, Harvard College

Selected Books

  • Developing China: The Remarkable Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (Routledge 2017).
  • With Richard Petty, Australia’s Competitiveness: From Lucky Country to Competitive Country (Wiley 2013).
  • With W. John Hoffmann (editors), China Into the Future: Making Sense of the World’s Most Dynamic Economy (Wiley 2008).
  • With Edith Scott and Chang Ka-Mun, Regional Powerhouse: The Greater Pearl River Delta and the Rise of China (Wiley 2005).
  • With Edith Scott and David Dodwell, The Hong Kong Advantage (Oxford University Press 1997).
  • With Antonio Francés and Edith Scott Saavedra, Venezuela: The Challenge of Competitiveness (St. Martin’s Press 1996). Published in Spanish as Venezuela: El reto de la competitividad (Fondo Fintec/Ediciones IESA 1994).
  • With Rolf Weder (editors), Studies in Swiss Competitive Advantage (Peter Lang 1995).
  • With Graham Crocombe and Michael Porter, Upgrading New Zealand’s Competitive Advantage (Oxford University Press 1991).
  • With Silvio Borner, Michael Porter, and Rolf Weder, Internationale Wettbewerbsvorteile: Ein Strategisches Konzept für die Schweiz (Campus/NZZ 1991).

Research & Teaching Interests

Michael Enright is a leading expert on international competitiveness, regional economic development, and international business strategy. As a researcher, he has written definitive works on the strategies and organizations of multinational companies, the impact of foreign firms on China's economy, regional clusters, and the competitiveness of national and regional economies. He has authored or co-authored 11 books; scores of book chapters, academic papers, monographs, and articles; and more than 70 teaching cases.

As a teacher, he has taught EMBA, MBA, and undergraduate level courses in Strategy, International Business, International Trade and Competition, China's Business Environment, and China's Development. As an advisor, he has led projects that have reshaped national and regional economic strategies, altered the skylines of major cities, and transformed the strategies of major corporations. As a speaker and executive educator, he has engaged audiences in 40 countries on issues of international competitiveness, business strategy in complex and uncertain environments, and developments in China and Asia. As a Board Director, he has participated in the formulation and oversight of strategies for multi-billion-dollar companies, while serving on Strategy, Audit, HR, and Remuneration Committees.


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