Michael Fass

Doctoral Supervisor


Michael helps individuals & organisations achieve their personal & corporate goals. Currently he works in the Academy advising & instructing doctoral & masters students at the universities of Anglia Ruskin (2014-2017), Gloucestershire (2012- Cont.), Manchester (2016-Cont.) and Wales, Trinity Saint David (2010-2018). He has worked with businesses & organisations to improve their performance, clarify their strategic direction & reach high standards of corporate governance. His early career was in industry and commerce working for The Hays Group (logistics), Miles Druce-GKN (industrial services) and Tricentrol (oil exploration). He worked at the Institute of Directors (Scotland) between 2000-2010 & advised central & local government organisations in the UK, the rest of the EU (LEADER & MED-INVEST) and in eastern & central Europe (Know How Fund & PHARE). Throughout his career he has been associated both as a trustee and as an advisor with a variety of social enterprises, charities, NDPBs, NGOs and NfP organisations. He has recently helped a Multiple Academy Trust & a global education charity to review their governance arrangements.. In April 2014 Michael was appointed Professor, Chair of Leadership & Governance, University of Vitez, Bosnia-Herzegovina. He was a Senior Research Fellow at the Westcott Foundation, Jesus Lane, Cambridge (2013-2017). He is co-author of "The Resilient Director - Building an effective Board" (2015) & author of "Salute Me When You See Me" (2016), Both books are available at Amazon UK.

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