Michael Rockinger

Professor of Finance, University of Lausanne/ SFI Faculty Member at Swiss Finance Institute


  • Swiss Finance Institute



Swiss Finance Institute

Michael Rockinger is Professor of Finance at the University of Lausanne. Professor Rockinger is an active member of the Center for Risk Management at Lausanne—a group that focuses on diffusing independent and transparent decision-making tools for banks, insurance companies, and industrial firms. He is also a research fellow of the Society for Financial Econometrics and is a regular speaker at leading conferences in his areas of expertise.


Professor Rockinger is studying the conditions under which, when transaction costs are present, a rebalancing strategy dominates a buy-and-hold strategy. As the value of risky assets in an investment portfolio changes over time, the portfolio needs to be rebalanced on a regular basis for it to maintain its initial strategic allocation determined by the investor's risk tolerance. Using nearly 20 years of data covering risk-free assets, bonds, and several equity indices, Professor Rockinger demonstrates that when transaction costs are lower than 0.5 percent, investors who reallocate their portfolios on a monthly basis outperform those who use a simple buy-and-hold strategy. This result is of particular interest to pension funds in today's increasing interest rate environment.


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